The Stihl MS260 pro is a workhorse. It is a great saw and I recomend it. The only flaw that I have found with it, is its inibility to deal with salt. I know its not a normal condition that most people have to worry about, but the company that I am a service tech for, runs a fleet of MS250 pros and beats the crap out of them cutting creosote soaked timbers that were used on bridges and salt water fender systems. I have been seeing some significant corrosion and rotting of the crank casees, other than that they are holding up better than any other saw we have treid to run which incules many different huskys, redmax, etc. I have been impressed. We used to run nothing but Husky until talking with the local stihl dealer, much better service and alot easier to deal with. The husky isn't bad, it more or less comes down to personal preference and the support of your local dealer.