The location of the wedge will not make a difference in tonnage.The best position of the wedge depends on how the machine is used ,horizontal or vertical.
If you are splitting large rounds,..and using a large push plate,...18in rd, 18 in push plate, there is going to be a mesureable amount of pressure difference,.Trust me you dont need to test this theriory, its fact,..At least 1 has boasted the reason timber wolf cost as much as they do IS because,..they already knew this,..So tell me why more than 1 of there splitters has a heart shaped push plate,?? Some of you know BOB of webberville mi,..Have you seen the used splitter he has for sale,?, got a heart shaped pusher plate,? the ears are bent significantily back,?, This a heart shaped pusher , I have never seen a pusher plate bent as bad as this timberwolf was,..THE hinge effect is easy to understand, The timberwolf pusher design is not,..Not strong enough,? yea,..THE Question is, why have a WIDE pusher in the first place,?...Iam lookin for a gearhead answer,.or the equvlint, Why do they make a pusher wider than the beam,. Iam a timberwolf fan, But not blind to there design problems,..Iam cerious as why any manf co would build a splitter with a wide pusher,?..Iam no expert BUT I dont get the reason for a wide pusher ?. Any body, please explain the advantage,...