Went through the 4z252 Tuesday night. Old gas was left in the tank, but the carb and diaphrams were clean as a whistle! Carb had never been opened either, acutally I think the only thing touched on this saw was the bar nuts (the bar studs still have paint on them).
Needless to say, this saw is a MONSTER plan and simple. I figured it would be, but these 85cc Po-nastys get me every time. For any guys out there who hasnt ran or heard a 5200, "intensity" is the word I think describes them best. Still plan to go, looking forward to meeting some of you that I havent met yet. And for some of the Ohio crew, you are lucky enough to see me again lol.
A few days before the GTG, it would be slick if we could post up saws we had for sale or were looking for. Wouldnt mind bringing another Poulan home, I need a couple more of them. I am a little German/ Swede heavy at the moment. Talk to you fellers later!
Hope to see that 4Z252 in person!
As for the swaping, most of us here try to find em to collect more then trade away. :hmm3grin2orange:
Occasionally I will move a duplicate though, anything in particular your after?
I've been reading up a little and think I've got the hankerin for a PP325. I know they are scarce as hens teeth but if anyone sees one for sale at a reasonable price please keep me in mind......
Yeah well just hold on to that hankerin. I had that hankerin for quite sometime till I found mind.

They turn up from time to time though, will keep you in mind.