The 7700 has come to mind more than once 'cause I know you enjoyed running it and have mentioned it on more than one occasion. I've got an 8500 now, a good running 5200 and a 655. Also have many of the older mid size saws. Got a 245 bow, 306A, and the Wizard version of the 306 w/bow. I've got a small collection of sand cast saws including a K model w/bow, 66 w/bow, and S72 w/straight bar. Also have some bigger Dolmars, a Mac 1000 and we were planning on bringing some two man saws. As you can see, it's a fairly major task deciding what to bring. Most of the time I tend to bring a lot more than I ever get to. That's why I thought I'd ask if anyone had any classes, thought that might help me to pare things down.
Well Steve, Glad to hear the 7700 is buying a ticket:biggrin: I forgot you had aquired an 8500, I have never ran one of those. Mike had a 8500 bow here last year I believe. In all the goings on, I never did give it a try. Bow saws are something that just have not cought my fancy. I have run a couple though. Mark had a gear drive Poulan 700 something, that had some grunt.:biggrin:
I think Mark is bringing his 71A with straight bar. I'm not familiar with the S72, but that sounds like some good comparison for the 71. I havn't bought a new saw in ages it seems. I figured I would drag out a 4000, 245A, 306A and or a 203, PP380, and a 4200 and or 5200.
I hope someone has a stop watch..LOL I'm not into compition, but it would be fun to see just how close some models of saws are to each other, or how far apart they are. Not that it makes a lot of real world difference, because I will continue to use the ones I like "just because I like them" till I'm to old & decrepit to use them or die, whichever comes first.
