I don't wanna get all weepy or anything, but I just wanted to tell you regulars thank you.
I started this obsession with a "should i buy it" post about a saw just like the cherry grey one above, only it wasn't quite so cherry. Thanks to the encouragement and bluntness of the regular guys on the poulan thread, I now have a bunch of great running saws. Every time I cut firewood or log a bit I have to take a camera because I want to remember the job. I used to hate gathering wood, but just like my dad and pap, it grew on me. I love the time with my kids when they can help and can't wait for the next chance I have to fire back up the saw.
Your generosity with your knowledge and even spare parts, makes it happen. I'll always try to do the same in return.
Thanks guys.
Very nice!! I know how you feel about taking pics of your wood cutting adventures. I don't do it as much as I should, but have done it on occasion. I'm not old yet!
Its kinda nice to able to look back at past pics and remember the day of cutting vividly. Kinda like past deer hunts, brings back memories. My problem is I usually forget to take the camera..Like Sunday, was out cutting with my 4200, and sisters BF was using his new to him 4000 I made for him..no camera..:msp_mad:
