I couldn't wait any longer. Had to see if would run.

It does. Oils well too. Right at first I thought I had a disaster on my hands. I put oil & fuel in it, picked it up and had a fuel leak...Ahhh!
I had put new fuel & oil caps on it, and forgot to put a O-ring on the new fuel cap.

Fixed it, and then she fired off and run pretty good. Havn't put it in wood yet, but at least I know it runs. So I'm happy.
It popped on the 4th pull, and couple more she sprang to life.
The other pic. Some old ugly bastard wearing a pretty snazzy cap. I want Mark to know I had it on while running the 5200...it must have brought me luck. LOL Its hard to take a pic of yourself, my arms ain't long enough.