Was out putt-zing around in the shop today, Geezers do that a lot. :confused2: Several weeks ago I saw a seller on ebay selling an S-clip, for the Poulan/Windsor type bars. Seems he was wanting $7 something for one. :msp_scared: I about pooped myself.
Someone on here sometime back suggested trying to make one out of old wiper blade parts. Well, I put new wipers on my truck couple weeks ago, and had an old pair to play with. One of those metal strips on both sides of the rubber, is exactly the same size as the original S-Clip.
I fiddled an came up with one. Decided to try again, the second one was better looking, more original. But both will work!!! I tried all kinds of pliers, hammering around a 5/16" bolt, not easy, but can be done. Once ya get a loop made, I just slipped it on one of the bar studs and bent it around the other stud to get the right size. Then finished it by hand.
I suppose someone smarter than me could come up with a easy way to do it, and crank these things out by the handfuls.

I seemed to have gained a number of the older Windsor bars over the years, usually on an old saw, with no S-Clip.

The one on the far left, is an original, the next one was my first attempt, the one on the right was second attempt and came out better. Tried both, and they work!!
