Ridgid 590 completed
Got the Ridgid finished yesterday. It runs like new which it should after all this.
When I got the little Ridgid from Randy last week he sent me a little gift along with it. He must have got the idea somewhere that I enjoy a cold beer or 12 now and then, so he sent me this.
Hmm, I aint had a PBR in sometime and thought I don't remember them being too bad, so I chilled it down and thougth I would have a cold drink while working on the Ridgid. Now I remember why I have not had a PBR in a long time. :hmm3grin2orange:
I was just getting to the stage of putting the crank seals in the saw and was thinking I needed to put something on the crank to protect the inner seal lips from getting turned up on the sharp step on the crank.
I took a big swig of PBR, puckered up my face and in a flash of genius, it dawned on my what a good use of this can of beer would be. The best use of it I might add.
Behold the PBR seal protector. Don't laugh, it works.
It also got me thinking about getting out my gasket punch and making some Pabst Blue Ribbon carb governor block off disk's! Waste not want not.
Here it is all up and running.
Got the Ridgid finished yesterday. It runs like new which it should after all this.
When I got the little Ridgid from Randy last week he sent me a little gift along with it. He must have got the idea somewhere that I enjoy a cold beer or 12 now and then, so he sent me this.
Hmm, I aint had a PBR in sometime and thought I don't remember them being too bad, so I chilled it down and thougth I would have a cold drink while working on the Ridgid. Now I remember why I have not had a PBR in a long time. :hmm3grin2orange:
I was just getting to the stage of putting the crank seals in the saw and was thinking I needed to put something on the crank to protect the inner seal lips from getting turned up on the sharp step on the crank.
I took a big swig of PBR, puckered up my face and in a flash of genius, it dawned on my what a good use of this can of beer would be. The best use of it I might add.

Behold the PBR seal protector. Don't laugh, it works.
It also got me thinking about getting out my gasket punch and making some Pabst Blue Ribbon carb governor block off disk's! Waste not want not.

Here it is all up and running.