Its funny this talk of bad coils, as I just experienced this for the first time. Couple weeks ago, before this crappy hot weather hit, I was bucking up a fairly large Maple tree with my most used saw, a 4000. Been running quite a while when it did its thing a saw does when running out of fuel. Falters and goes lean and quits. I refueled and drank some water and a short break. Went to refire, and nothing, not a pop, fart or anything.
I tried choke, even tried pouring a little down carb. Nothing. Took it back to barn, pulled plug, looked fine. Gave it a pull test with plug out of saw, no spark. (yes I checked to see if switch was on)

Tried new plug, still no spark. Figured it had to be coil. Robbed one off a 3400 and yahoo, spark again. Couple pulls and saw fired back to life. That is the first time ever that I can remember of having a coil "go bad". My question to those a lot smarter than me, Is what actually goes bad in the coil? Not like there is a lot of moving parts happening in there,