Was going to run a couple of my biggest saws today, and video them, but ran out of sun there by the woods and need to find my tri-pod. Will try tomorrow. Got couple large gnarly Burr Oak logs I want to buck up and eventually "noodle cut" them. They are way to big to handle. I cut a a couple rounds off of it last fall. Was all I could do to roll them. I hate makin firewood out of trees like this. Lotta work for an old man.

I don't often use these bigger saws anymore, but might be nice to fire them up and give it a go. Its been long time for the 655bp & 5200. I did run the 385xp some this spring.
The 385xp and 5200 are both 85cc and have 30" bars on them. The 98cc 655bp has a 36" on it. Forgot how heavy these saws are, lugging them around today. Been used to my 3000 & 4000 saws. Didn't fire any of them up to see if they still run.... Just wiped the dust and grunge off and will hope for the best.
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