I've never seen a red Craftsman 2.3 in the countervibe frame setup, I'm sure they will come out of the woodwork but I've just never seen one. Anyway, I bought the countervibe frame and tank setup off JRP on ebay for some other parts a while back I think I negotiated $20 sent to my house. Anyway, used a couple of parts on another build and still had the bulk of the frame. Well, a 2.3 came up for sale locally that I couldn't pass up for the price and went to check it out. Dirty as you can expect without the top cover but functioned, sparked, and ran with fuel squirt. So, will need a top cover and a lower isolator/vibration rubber mount. (edit: Just to be clear, the engine came out of the frame on the right and is going into the frame on the left. Second pic is post engine swap.)
This Craftsman countervibe 2.3 also has the top handle trigger release setup which I haven't seen on a regular green Poulan xxv countervibe. I'm always impressed to find more different versions of these saws Poulan made. Anyway, need to dig thru my diaphram and fuel pump gaskets to get the carb finished and I believe another Poulan red version will come to life. Then, I'll have the old carcass to box and store probably giving me reason to bring home another project.
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