I'll bet your duckbill valve is missing. Is there a star shaped metal ring inside the cap top? If so, that seals the duckbill valve inside the cap.
the star shaped washer is there.
I'll bet your duckbill valve is missing. Is there a star shaped metal ring inside the cap top? If so, that seals the duckbill valve inside the cap.
Horn Tooter LOL
That saw sounds good! Will eventually pick one up to finish off the series.
On my way back from picking up a nice old Homelite XL 12 I stopped by a "second hand junk" shop. It was filled with all manner of guy stuff. The man who owns it asked if there was anything in particular I was looking for. I mentioned that I like old chain saws, he pointed out a nice little Poulan and a slightly beat up Husky. They both have great compression and seemed to be all there. I thought I was almost cured of CAD but I suppose It was just in remission. My Poulan 361 was supposed to arrive by mail today but it was not to be. Oh well perhaps on monday....
Well Guys,
I've got my nose on the ground and my tail's a waggin' again!!!
Just what I need................another chainsaw!
Oh well, they aren't making the "Great Old Green" anymore.
Thanks for the info Dave. Can you tell me what series/model it would be? Tryed Acers site with no luck.
On my way back from picking up a nice old Homelite XL 12 I stopped by a "second hand junk" shop. It was filled with all manner of guy stuff. The man who owns it asked if there was anything in particular I was looking for. I mentioned that I like old chain saws, he pointed out a nice little Poulan and a slightly beat up Husky. They both have great compression and seemed to be all there. I thought I was almost cured of CAD but I suppose It was just in remission. My Poulan 361 was supposed to arrive by mail today but it was not to be. Oh well perhaps on monday....
Don't forget you will need a 425 and 445 as well.![]()
SHHHHH Ignorance is bliss![]()
Like redunshee said the valve is replaceable, if the star washer is still there pry it out and get a new valve for it, then push the star back in, done. Duckbill valve PN 530026119
thank you thats what i was wondering.
so who is the best place to order poulan parts from.
thank you thats what i was wondering.
so who is the best place to order poulan parts from.
I get a lot of stuff from ebay, just put the poulan number in the search. Also check out Baileys chainsaw.
I pulled the S25 appart to see the extent of the damage, and the piston looks toasty, the cylinder cleaned up quite well, still some scratches, but only below the exhaust port, above it their not noticable with a pointer. The piston looks so bad it had to be straight gassed??
found it on ebay with the part # thanks. who knows how long it woulda took me to finger that out one out.
now lets just hope it aint to hard to install for me
They're not difficult. Just pop the star washer out with some sort of pick or hook tool. Clean any old residue out of the recess using some carb cleaner or brake cleaner. I usually put some bar oil on the duckbill so that it slides back into the star washer more easily being careful not to slice it on the sharp edge of the washer. Just push it back into the recess of the cap. Mark has recommended using the barrel of an old used up ball point pen like a Bic pen to push the valve & washer back into place with the tip of the duckbill pointing down toward the fuel obviously.