Is there a seperate thread for the Poulan GTG?
Is there a seperate thread for the Poulan GTG?
IPL shows a PP330 as having one ring. Bet that's what you have.
Brad I don't believe there is.
How do you think I should deal with that Randy?
It looks like it's going well. Shouldn't need a base gasket, but I would make sure by checking squish. Just widen the ports a bit and run it as if you stole it!!!
The air filter and filter box is real restrictive on those saws but I figure it will still make you grin. :hmm3grin2orange:
Mike what is your opinion of the value. Am I in the ballpark?
I have only had cad for about a year:msp_mellow::msp_mellow::msp_mellow: so I don't know these things.
I'm new here but have been lurking for a few months while rebuilding my old husky 61. I just picked up 2 PP 415s for 40 bucks. They both have 160 lbs of compression and run but I'm missing a few parts. In order to put 1 into the wood, I need everything clutch out. I need a sprocket, clutch cover, I am assuming there is a plate behind the bar like the Husky? I need a bar or need to know what bars oil right. The other saw is missing all the same parts plus clutch, recoil and chain brake. If anyone is interested in trading parts, I'd just like to get one running. Also, I know it's similar to the 2077 but which parts? I'd like to stay green with my clutch cover but not crucial.
waaaa I don't have mine yet! Wear off the the carlton name and then put the Poulan name on it...
That is to nice to run......
I wish I had ordered 2...
This cylinder
View attachment 181674
View attachment 181675
is off a Craftsman 358.355061 and the bore is 1.525" or thereabouts. What displacement would it be? 2.1" or 2.3"??
I think it will clean up as all the streeks are actually piston material welded on to the cylinder surface.
Nevermind, I found the answer in the Sears online owner's manual. 2.3 cu. in..
I'm new here but have been lurking for a few months while rebuilding my old husky 61. I just picked up 2 PP 415s for 40 bucks. They both have 160 lbs of compression and run but I'm missing a few parts. In order to put 1 into the wood, I need everything clutch out. I need a sprocket, clutch cover, I am assuming there is a plate behind the bar like the Husky? I need a bar or need to know what bars oil right. The other saw is missing all the same parts plus clutch, recoil and chain brake. If anyone is interested in trading parts, I'd just like to get one running. Also, I know it's similar to the 2077 but which parts? I'd like to stay green with my clutch cover but not crucial.
Well, I bit the bullet and won a Wild Thing on Ebay. Mistake was after I hit the "confirm bid", I realized it was a 4018 and not a 2375.
Supposedly piston and cylinder are scored but I'll see how bad. MIght need a new P&C but it appears a 2375 P&C won't fit. At least IPL #'s are differant. This is my first clamshell saw. Is there anything I need to be aware when removing piston from the cylinder?
This was dropped off this morning--model 54 with a 14" bow. Pretty filthy saw--I spy some green on this saw! Plenty of compression and spark, though. Fired with a prime thru the muffler. Has a loop of Poulan 1/2" chain--#10 on the drivers so it is probably Poulan-labelled Oregon chain. Only issues--other than being dirty--is the handlebar is pretty well mangled, it is missing the adjuster screw assembly (not the plate, just the screw and nuts), and the buttons are missing on the oiler and stop switch.
Chain will need a good soaking in some acid and then oil to completey loosen it--it will flex right now, just very stiff.
Where does one get parts for these?
Chris B.