Bar Plates
Thanks, Mark
I just ordered a couple from one of our sponsers, Chainsawr.
He had 4 ofthem, so ordered 2 of them from him, $5.00 for the pair, not bad.
I havn't cut wood with it yet. But seems to run well. I did replace the recoil handle, from the mower handle to the correct one..LOL
I put a new bar & chain on also.
Thanks much

Greg, I don't think I have any but if I find some I'll let you know! How is it running?
Thanks, Mark
I just ordered a couple from one of our sponsers, Chainsawr.
He had 4 ofthem, so ordered 2 of them from him, $5.00 for the pair, not bad.
I havn't cut wood with it yet. But seems to run well. I did replace the recoil handle, from the mower handle to the correct one..LOL
I put a new bar & chain on also.
Thanks much
