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poulan 2400
got my lil poulan 2400 going today the top handle keeps comin loose so i did a lock washer and blue loctite see how it fares.. the saw is super light and really rips.... But i have to say the springs feel pretty weak to me i feel like if i leaned on it i would break it...the paint seems to nice for it to have much use to have whuped the springs out?????im wondering if a pp260 would be a better option for me as it has anti vibe also but its the same type springs isnt it????its kinda a a wild thing with anti vibe is that right??? any one owned both or one??? should i just get new springs????? i have to say its really light with alot of power for its weight...seems like the 2.3 anti vibe handles are much tuffer.. wonder if i could swap one out?????i may try that ....i will get some pics tomorrow....:msp_confused:
got my lil poulan 2400 going today the top handle keeps comin loose so i did a lock washer and blue loctite see how it fares.. the saw is super light and really rips.... But i have to say the springs feel pretty weak to me i feel like if i leaned on it i would break it...the paint seems to nice for it to have much use to have whuped the springs out?????im wondering if a pp260 would be a better option for me as it has anti vibe also but its the same type springs isnt it????its kinda a a wild thing with anti vibe is that right??? any one owned both or one??? should i just get new springs????? i have to say its really light with alot of power for its weight...seems like the 2.3 anti vibe handles are much tuffer.. wonder if i could swap one out?????i may try that ....i will get some pics tomorrow....:msp_confused: