Tree Freak
Being the smartazz that I am, I had to drop in and shake the tree a little!:biggrin:
How stupid can a guy be?
"I've never used or even seen one but it is just junk like everything else they make!"
Gimme a break!
I was just looking again, and the new 2050 is still not on the PP website. WTF..I mean it ain't rocket surgery to actually have your products on your site.
Looking forward to one of you guys getting one. Tax time! My spare tax loot is going to get my slugged up jug assembly for my echo, a year now I've been staring at that thing all took apart. This time guaranteed extree rich on ye H screw!
But I tell ya whut, trashing that echo turned me onto old poulans from necessity, a GREAT silver lining!