That's allright, he just hasn't seen the light......

I like red the best.
I also have spent ALOT of seat time in a 7030, and 7050 allis (probably close to 1,000 hrs). Dollar per HP Allis has it. (Mark should smile at that one)
At our farm we have:
IH 584, Super H, Cub lo boy, TD9 diesel w/drott loader.
Oliver Super 88, AG6 dozer, OC6 crawler.
Ford 1520 compact, FEL & Bhoe & an 8n
I have helped on a local dairy farm since I was about 13. Here's his lineup....
7030 Allis, 7050 Allis, 684 IH
He has also had a 2594 Case IH (180 hp)
and a Ford TW-20 4wd (135 hp)
My favorite thing is chopping corn.....get 3 trucks runnin, you can chop alot of tons per day
My favorite combo is 7050, gehl 1060 automax chopper and richardton dump wagon.