Nik's Poulan Thread

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Actually, anything is better than the broken standard mount.

Thats what I was thinking. I was just "rebuilding" a J-red mount when I saw that, but I don't have any liquid poly ATM.

I was out organizing last night after I put new crank seals in my fresh 136 poulusky. Somehow I keep selling off almost everything that isn't green. :rock:


Wow I figured with .025 squish it would have at least produced 150 PSI. I guess it is what it is.

I will have my 3800 together tomorrow and will run it this weekend to see how it does. I will do a compression test after I run it. Thanks

I think it'll increase after a few tanks. Have barely 15 mins. on it
Here's the silly part of this story..............I went out to look at some of the miscellaneous small saws I've acquired in the past couple of months and I "think" that this saw IS what I've been looking for all along. In picking thru the memory cells I'd ended up trading some 7mm Mauser ammo for three small non-running saws and some cash. This was one of the three and one of the other ones is a red Craftsman S25A solid handle saw.

I was really bummed out about missing the local green S25CVA but now I've got a re-badged blue one!! Any idea as to what years the blue ones were produced and if they had points ignition or electrionic ignition??? I don't have a clue as to the condition of it but I do know that it needs a muffler and I very much dislike the 'Power Sharp' assembly on the clutch cover. However I am very happy to now know what I've got and it will be on the project list!!







That 'Power Sharp' deal sure makes for a messed up looking chain!!

I wonder if this, in part, is a return of Karma from this situation;

PS...............I wonder what the 'VL stands for behind the 2.3 on the recoil housing.......'Vibration Limited' or !!???

Pretty sure I can come up with a muffler. Let me know.
Problem is most, no all my saws are hardly ever run here in Texas. They just sit. Very frustrating.


Bob, throw some of those saws and head up to the Poulan Lovers GTG in OH on Oct 13. Problem solved... :hmm3grin2orange:

Or just get up to NW Indiana, I'll have a place for you to stay and I'll haul your ass to OH from here. :laugh:
Got the 3800 running.

Well this is Palmer's 3800 that I bought from him. I said before that I thought it was alittle low on compression but I checked it with a gauge and it turns out it was at 125 PSI which is actually pretty normal for these. Sorry about that Palmer. But I could not leave well enough alone. I pulled the cylinder which was in excellent shape for a none chrome bore and shaved the base some and eliminated the base gasket. Cleaned up the ports alittle and cleaned up the intake runner. I did a muffler mod on it and man does this baby run now. After running it in some wood and tuning it correctly I let it cool down some and compression is now 150 PSI. All it cost was about 12 dollars for a new set of ring and this thing is like a different saw.
Thanks once again for a good saw Palmer.

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That is my starting stump that I use so I am not bending over all the time. I do not drop start my saws.
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Thats what I was thinking. I was just "rebuilding" a J-red mount when I saw that, but I don't have any liquid poly ATM.

I was out organizing last night after I put new crank seals in my fresh 136 poulusky. Somehow I keep selling off almost everything that isn't green. :rock:



Well I'm sure glad to see I'm not the only one that gets his saws stuck in a log
Just finishes restoring an old craftsman 3.7 chainsaw, Looks and runs good now. He gave me his dads old poulan 3400 to do it. I have a surprise for him tho. I'm gonna restore it and give it back to him too. After all. it was his dads.Guess i should have took some before and after pics. I will try on the poulan.
Hey Mark, that is a nice looking saw there. You going to put up some more pics for us for us junkies? Mine has a red-neck fix for the handle padding and is kinda ugly and old but it is sure fun to use.:msp_wink:


GTG Logs

I finally got around to trying to get us some bigger wood for those that have 8500 Poulan saws at the gtg. :cry: And by some of the last few posts, every body has one but me..LOL

This Red Oak lost its top in the big blow we had this summer. ( Brad will remember that one). You can see its top in the back ground in the first pic. Had a hollow where it broke off, and was a little hollow at the stump. Could see through at ground level.

I didn't have the camera with me when I cut this, so is a little hard to judge the size of it without a saw in the pic for refrence. I hate to admit this, but I did not use a Poulan saw to do the job. I used my 385xp, it has the largest bar I own, a 30"er. I cut it higher than I normaly would, to avoid some bad wood. The stump was 37-38" across. I'm guessing the logs are at least 30"

I took about 4 chunks off the end, till I found some decent wood. Got three 8ft. logs from it. Now my problem is trying to move these, they are extremely heavy. I would have prefered White Oak, but can't refuse what was provided I guess. I will get some smaller stuff also, Ash or whatever, for some smaller saw exercising.





Model 202 question.

Did a 202 come with a spark plug wire of some less than 7mm diameter?

Trying to replace the botched replacement and cannot get the 7mm even started. Prolly why the replacement was botched to beginwith.

Lost the spark (Wico system) and can't get it back.

My 306A has as yet unidentified magneto made in Japan...............................WTH!!!!!

OK Mark, come clean.......

Gregg, I love your pics - beautiful wood and solid right through to the centre. Hope to see some pics of the big green saws cutting it up soon.

Did a 202 come with a spark plug wire of some less than 7mm diameter?

Trying to replace the botched replacement and cannot get the 7mm even started. Prolly why the replacement was botched to beginwith.

Lost the spark (Wico system) and can't get it back.

My 306A has as yet unidentified magneto made in Japan...............................WTH!!!!!


Yes Carl a 202 will have a ND ign that used a smaller high tension wire. In fact that is one of the main things on a 68-69 200 series saws. I'm not completly sure some early 306 saws didnt get the ND ign as well. I think you can use a later Phelon coil on it though as I know they used the same point set.
Did a 202 come with a spark plug wire of some less than 7mm diameter?

Trying to replace the botched replacement and cannot get the 7mm even started. Prolly why the replacement was botched to beginwith.

Lost the spark (Wico system) and can't get it back.

My 306A has as yet unidentified magneto made in Japan...............................WTH!!!!!


Carl, I can't recall what the plug wire dia. is off hand. But on my 203, it much smaller than any other saw I have.



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