What Kevin is telling you is that the adjustment screws on your saw are the splined ones that take a special splined tool.
It looks rather like a small nut driver and they are available on eeeeeeeeee-bay for $10.00 or less.
They are one of the areas where the O.P.E. industry actually PROGRESSED because of the stinking, low living, egg sucking, ever expanding, all intrusive E.P.A.!!!
After adjusting several of the splined type carbs, I am not a fan of the regular slotted screws anymore!!!
Don't hold back Mike. Tell us how you really feel. I agree on them splined screws. I wish ALL of my saws had those! I wanted to richen the H screw a tad on the 385xp today while milling with it.
Fumbling around with a little screw driver, in a dark hole that you can't see in. Maybe its just advanced age catching up with me. But sure would have been easier with a splined screw & screw driver.