Juniper berry trees! True, we don't have the fossilized ancient dinosaur wood that you have.

But are rocks are just as hard as yours. And if you happen to hit one

can play hell with your chain. As I found out couple weeks ago.
The hardest wood that I cut here, would be Hickory, White & Red Oak, Ash, Sugar Maple. I do have several large Oaks that need to be taken down. But with the Emerald Ash Borer playing havoc with are Ash trees, those have been taking up most of my cutting time lately, and probably will for several more years.
Them lions, tigers and bears have a heck of a lot of highways to cross before getting up here to me...LOL I did see a pretty large mouse the other day, in the woods. Don't think he escaped from anyplace though.

Last I heard, I think they got em all.
Getting that 4000 out and wiping the dust off and running it makes me want to put it into the wood again. But I think it will just stay in reserve for now. Backup for my backup...
