no more zubat

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ArboristSite Guru
Feb 25, 2003
Reaction score
I change out my zubat for the trusty machetti. It makes great coranet cuts. It looks cool too.
Gee, never thought of that I'd switched to a hatchet with a 12 foot long handle it saves a lot of work when you need to show the guys here how real guys do it.

I Use a Samuri Sword Works Well Just Tie off at the Top and Swing around and around the Tree Swinging The sword on the way by...... :blob2:
I have had to chew my arm off so many times after bedding ugly woman I can chew through a foot round limb in 30 seconds without making so much as a noise that would wake a 345lb woman with a beard.
I use my cell phone. I unscrew the antenna and by pushing the # key three times, it emits a high-intensity laser which will sever a limb (and anything behind it) in under three milliseconds. The drawback is I have to carry two car batteries up there with me.
Monday troll work

This and other threads put forth by BJ and I as a, " ... enough of this wimpy talk talk. aaaaghhh", has done what I had thought could happen. All those insane theads turned into productive thinking. The idea is; who needs a monitore when the communication quality here is self correcting.

wow you're so lucky, i wish i could charge my customers enough that i could afford a swiss army knife, mines a fake
OK, OK, you are all just a bunch of deeply honest jokers. That is productive thought as well, hummm.

Climbers are so full of hot air they could fart on the limbs and blow them off!
Big A said:
Climbers are so full of hot air they could fart on the limbs and blow them off!

1) are you a climber? Are you speaking from a self evaluation. Or are you just off target.

2) sure climbers are generaly out side of the box, except for many hanging around here, and they approach life a little out side of the norn. That is when they are in the trees, many come down and are the bigest jerks you could ever meet as examples in the box.

jkrueger said:
That is when they are in the trees, many come down and are the bigest jerks you could ever meet as examples in the box.


Please tell me you climb Jack.

Remember, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
No kidding! I was driving to a job in an affluent neighborhood and saw a man on an A frame ladder with a machetti swinging wildly trimming (slaughtering) the medians. My client asked me if I saw what the hacks were doing. She said she couldn't believe how cheap the property managers were. By the way they had a pickup with branches 10' above and flowing over the truck. Totally unsafe in every direction. They were obviously too cheap to pay quality arborists their rates.
xander9727 said:
Please tell me you climb Jack.

Remember, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Of cousre I climb, with a passion, and I also know how to be the jerk not in the tree. :)


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