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That grapple looks like the quick claw. I looked at them before going with the BoDozer by Borford mfg. You say that weighs 1000 and it looks lighter duty than mine that weights 800.
Yes they do with a hydralic driven PTO motor. I have a lot of hours runnig a skid steer and have never needed to get pulled out. You can use your bucket to push yourself out in most situations, not saying you can't get one stuck but I have yet to do it and have been in some deep muck with it. You also can get oversized tires that will give them lots of clearance.
If your getting a skid steer stuck you will defiantley have been stuck long before with a little Utility with the skinny front tires. I'm not sure of the weights of the utilities but my B-cat weigh around 6000#. the only thing I hate about the bobcat is it tears the sht out of yards.
Hahaha, Just want to say this is fun, no harrasing insults but fun.... See thats the problem your not bring the right equipment. I use a grapple bucket. So it goes like this:
1) load grapple and stump grinder on a trailer with grapple on machine. drive to site.
2) Throw gate down. Jump in and start (let warm up, very good practice) and then procede to grab stump grinder with grapple bucket take both attachments to the exact site.
3) Cut tree (assuming it was still standing) and buck into logs.
4) Grab all logs at once and take to load truck without ever leaving machine. Disconnect grapple and drive back to site.
5) Attach grinder. You know the drill.
5) Grind stump, bobcat beats Kubota. (I don't know)
6) Drive back to trailer and load the machine up.
7) close gate. here's the the real time saver.
8) throw 16d nails all over by Compact owners truck and haul as> home.
I haven't tried method 8 yet, but i can load a lot of stuff with a grapple bucket and never leave the cab. That to me is a time saver. Not to say you can't get a grapple for a utility but the manuverability isn't there. I loaded 11 cord of wood in a field with my truck and dump trailer in 4 hrs. and that was driving it to my house a feew mailes away. It took longer for the round trip than it did to load up. Good fun though and conversation friend!
I once cleared a few acres for a friend who's a GC. He had a bobcat loader that got stuck on countless stumps that were around 10 inches tall. I spent a lot of time freeing his machine with the kubota and it's 15" of ground clearance!![]()
I don't know of your conditions but you should be able to free your self with the bucket, especially if it's hung up on a stump. Sounds like operator error. I have around 1000 hrs of running a skid steer and have never needed any one to free me. There was one time last winter plowing snow I got greedy and pushed a little to far in the ditch and my front tires dropped in it. That was the only time I thought I was Fked. I don't have tracks on mine either, thats a whole nother argument there!
This is a sad thread...skid vs.tractor.I have to do all that type of work with my back.
One day I will have a compact with a loader.
This grapple can hold any size even 1" stuff except you have to be careful with the pressure applied.
Ed, get in touch with a good friend of mine, Chris Hinchey- Sales Coordinator at Tri-County Power Equipment, Jefferson City(865-475-6025). I've bought lots from him and was there yesterday and he's got at least 30 tractors that are nice pre owned units, some newer and some older! He's reliable, honest, and professional. Tell him i sent you. Also check out tractor house mag publication. It's free at the Newport farmers co-op!
nah,dont want to tear up the lawn.