ArboristSite Guru
Put the bottle down, you have had way too much.:jawdrop:
Put the bottle down, you have had way too much.:jawdrop:
Wow, we seem to agree on tractor choices Eric, I like the 460/560 also. I have one I bought a couple years ago (560 gas) I'd like to find a motor for it, but I think the older tractors have a good price to hp ratio!! Unfortunatly the 460/560 was a major flop when they were first produced they had a weak bull gear that would break, IH set up tents to repair these flawed tractors.After they were fixed they were a nice tractor, unfortunatly I guess a lot of IH people turned green because of that, it is said that the 460/560 is the reason IH has been lacking since! You can tell if the 4/560 was fixed if it has a triangle notch in the serial tag, I think it affected the 59'-early 60' models. Also I believe they were the first 6 cyl tractor IH made.
Wow, we seem to agree on tractor choices Eric, I like the 460/560 also. I have one I bought a couple years ago (560 gas) I'd like to find a motor for it, but I think the older tractors have a good price to hp ratio!! Unfortunatly the 460/560 was a major flop when they were first produced they had a weak bull gear that would break, IH set up tents to repair these flawed tractors.After they were fixed they were a nice tractor, unfortunatly I guess a lot of IH people turned green because of that, it is said that the 460/560 is the reason IH has been lacking since! You can tell if the 4/560 was fixed if it has a triangle notch in the serial tag, I think it affected the 59'-early 60' models. Also I believe they were the first 6 cyl tractor IH made.
NO,... they made atleast one before that ,...IT was the W6,..The big brother to the W4, As far as the flop of the 60 series Ive never heard of it,.We still have the one we bought new in 1960, and never repaired the bad rearend you speak of,.. Eric
I'll just C&P this article save ya some reading. This is out of wikipedia.
"In July of 1958, IH started a major campaign to introduce a new line of tractors that many dealers hoped would turn around slumping sales. At the Hinsdale, Illinois Testing Farm, IH entertained over 12,000 dealers from over 25 countries. IH showed off their new "60" series of tractors: including the big, first of their kind, six-cylinder 460 and 560 tractors. But the joy of the new line of tractors was short lived. One of the first events that would eventually lead to the downfall of IH presented itself in 1959. In June of that year, IH recalled the 460, 560, and 660 tractors: final drive components had failed. IH, who wanted to be the first big-power manufacturer, had failed to drastically update the final drives on the new six-cylinder tractors. These final drives were essentially unchanged from 1939 and would fail rapidly under the stress of the more powerful 60-series engines. IH's competitors took advantage of the recall, and IH would lose customers in the ensuing months[3], with many customers moving to John Deere's New Generation of Power tractors introduced in 1960."
Tractor wars!
If you guys don't tone it down a bit we are going to have to move this thread to the political forum. LOL.
Thanks gink,...Iam still reading,..But I will gurantee you the 560 and brothers were not the first 6 cyl engines built by IH, The W6 and others ,.were made prior to the 560 tractor,..Thanks for posting,...Eric
I'll just C&P this article save ya some reading. This is out of wikipedia.
We still have the one we bought new in 1960, and never repaired the bad rearend you speak of,.. Eric
Judging by some of your other post if it does not read the way you want it to you will rewrite history any way.:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
History is history And Ignorance is ignorant,. Eric
History is history And Ignorance is ignorant,..Some people dont know how to opperate heavy equipment Properly, And dont know how to get along with older equipment,.You would probably starve to DEATH, If your microwave took a ####,..Apprently you never WORKED the older tractors, Every thing has its place, No doubt the new tractors are easy on the fuel, But hard on the wallet,When they break When you get some experince opperating tractors, you will find the two wheel drive tractors vary usefull, and friendly to use and keep running, Do you know what steering breaks are??? How are they workin for you on the 4wds??? Trying to tell a JD 4020 owner that his tractor isnt cutting it, showes your inexperince in tractors, Eric
Well obviously Eric hasn't starved to death yet, so his microwave must still be operating.
I might suggest that your over zealous rejection of the many obvious benefits that modern technology has brought to many products, including tractors, only reinforces your statement "Ignorance is ignorant".
Well obviously Eric hasn't starved to death yet, so his microwave must still be operating.
I might suggest that your over zealous rejection of the many obvious benefits that modern technology has brought to many products, including tractors, only reinforces your statement "Ignorance is ignorant".
Have you even ever opperated a tractor,? Sompthing tells me,... No, Eric
No one is whispering things here,. except you,..If you took the time to read you would Know Iam ERIC and signed off that way,.RE read it,.....As far as This post goes YOU are the one that wants to argue the point with me,..Right Clown?,,, Did I come banging on your door?..You are choosing to ,..Reading carefully here,..denegrate,... Iam not sure what that means, But Iam sure that It means were not on the same page,. Only some one makin a statement like 271 has will I question there experince, Not the fact that it is old, But what it is capable of doing, effectivaly, That takes experince, Thats why you struggle with the older stuff, You have to think to make it work properly, Or should I say have some experince in doing so, For your sake I hope the power dosent go out,..EricFirstly, I'm not Eric, he's the other guy you were making unfounded presumptive statements about.
Secondly, I have operated a tractor, so "Sompthing" must not be whispering the right answers into your ear. If you had taken the time to read my profile you would have seen it mentioned. However, while I own a Kubota M7040 and virtually all conceivable attachments, I am the first to admit that I have this tractor as a convenience (TOY) rather than a necessity. I do not chose to make my living by farming-that is my choice, and that is my business. If you chose to use a combination of old and new technology to do whatever it is that you do, then that is your choice, and that is your business.
However, when you chose to denegrate people because they hold a position contrary to yours or because they don't chose to utilize what they, and many others perceived to be, antiquated equipment, then I believe you are only displaying what you described as "Ignorance is ignorant."
No one is whispering things here,. except you,..If you took the time to read you would Know Iam ERIC and signed off that way,.RE read it,.....As far as This post goes YOU are the one that wants to argue the point with me,..Right Clown?,,, Did I come banging on your door?..You are choosing to ,..Reading carefully here,..denegrate,... Iam not sure what that means, But Iam sure that It means were not on the same page,. Only some one makin a statement like 271 has will I question there experince, Not the fact that it is old, But what it is capable of doing, effectivaly, That takes experince, Thats why you struggle with the older stuff, You have to think to make it work properly, Or should I say have some experince in doing so, For your sake I hope the power dosent go out,..Eric