NW Montana GTG & Charity Cut -- June 1, 2, 3 -- 2012!!!

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Here's some clues. . . :D

It's often referred to as May-tree.

Early American pioneers used it, and it was sought after for fence posts and tool handles, for it's hardness and resistance to rot.

The Celts used it in many ceremonies.

Native American's valued the tree for it's medicinal qualities, and for firewood in the winter.

One of the Pilgrims ships was named after it.

In Europe, the wood was more prized than oak for fires, and it's charcoal was known to melt pig

Part of the rose family, it's proper name comes from the Old English word for Hedge.

Its Latin name, Crataegus, means "hardness", referring to the quality of the wood.

Lots more info online. :D

It's an awesome plant!
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Never heard of anybody cooking with Hawthorn before. Should work, it's a fruit tree in the Rose family. S'pose you're not a fan of Alder?

Yeah, a lot of the Thornapple wisdom has been lost. . . The only reason I knew about it was because of my dad, and he knew about it from some old timers here back in the day.

The BBQ thing I did one day on a whim. I knew a lot about the plant, and couldn't find anything bad about the wood as far as BBQing. So I tried it, and it was awesome!

I think I have tried Mountain Alder before -- it's the stuff that chokes a road out after it's cut in and not used for a few years.

I just read it was used by Native folks for dye and nets, and bows, and snowshoes. . . And fer smoking cause it won't flavor the meat.
I just uncovered a small pile of rotting cedar rails. Wanna use them for barbecue? The spikes might add some iron to the meat. :biggrin:

Iron meat. . . It's what's for dinner! :laugh:

I get enough iron in mah blood from all the welding and grinding I do. . . Reckon I don't need anymore!
Were they complete??

oooooooo yaaaaaa (chicka chicka, chicka chickaaaaa, BOW BOW)
the fiddy sick has a kindof cool factory bar that I've never seen before, it is printed in orange and says Stihl rollomatic R :confused:

the 051 has a big WEYCO on it
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You guys get swarmed with bugs down there yesterday evening? There were thousands in the air up here.
Thought maybe it was end times or something:laugh:

It's all this hot weather and standing water. . . My brother called last night (he's In Newport WA), and said the mosquitoes are hunting in packs over there! :laugh:

I hope they aren't as bad as last year, you couldn't even get out of your car up Red Gate road! Them skeeters were horrible!
Nate, what day are you planning on doing the bulk of the firewood cutting for the family? I can't do all three days, but I want to make sure I'm there for that. Thanks - Sam

Jake- cool deal on the saws.
Nate, what day are you planning on doing the bulk of the firewood cutting for the family? I can't do all three days, but I want to make sure I'm there for that. Thanks - Sam

Jake- cool deal on the saws.

Probably Saturday Sam. . . Maybe a bit on Sunday. I'm going to use Friday as a meet and greet/ setup day and evening.

This wood isn't just for the Court family per se, but will be made available to other families as well. I'm fix'n to make a big ol pile, so there should be plenty to go around. :msp_thumbsup:

That reminds me, I'll have 89 octane (non ethanol) gas there, some mixed with Royal P and Strohs. Let me know if anyone has any special fuel needs for this GTG.
Probably Saturday Sam. . . Maybe a bit on Sunday. I'm going to use Friday as a meet and greet/ setup day and evening.

This wood isn't just for the Court family per se, but will be made available to other families as well. I'm fix'n to make a big ol pile, so there should be plenty to go around. :msp_thumbsup:

That reminds me, I'll have 89 octane (non ethanol) gas there, some mixed with Royal P and Strohs. Let me know if anyone has any special fuel needs for this GTG.
Nice, it's time to sling some chips!, both the 51 and 56 fired right up with a lil gas down the carb, the 56 is currently tore down getting a donor tank (it was filled with something that resembled petrified bird ####), muffler (rusted out), and sprocket (homie don't run no .404)
You should have some pretty straight 56 parts...

oh hell yeah, thanks mang. I just wish the bar I got today with this other one wasn't all froze up, I gotta take some pics, the bar Says Stihl Rollomatic 6 made in west germany and has tons of belly

ye oulde 51

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