44:1 is what commercial cutters use up North here . I use it in all my Pro grade saws due to higher compression & rpm range . My homeowner saws see 50:1 although both saw applications get Saber . I tested Motul T its a quality oil , I have a test of Dominator next month .I use a 45:1 mix with Motul T2 its full synthetic racing oil for air cooled engines. it has great film retention, lower flash point, viscosity. works well with high and lower temp applications (Idling). Saws used to cut lumber can face high temps close to 500 degree. When I first used this oil mix I noticed my MS880 was cooler at the end of 26" wide 10ft cuts. And always use premium non ethanol gas. And I don't use them if they're more than 10-12 months old. Don't be cheap on fuels and don't cut with dull chain Oh, and I would avoid mixes like 25:1 as it can cause your saw to run hotter. I see now the FT clone saws are now recommending 50:1 with their Nikasil cylinders and come with 6mo residential and 3mo commercial use warrantees. ???