Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX GTG (Next GTG 08/27/2016 ) Fort Scott, KS

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Gimme one with OEM innards………I wouldn't care if it looked like that ebay mess…….:msp_thumbup:

I'd agree with that sentiment, if I were going to use it as is... But we all know that ain't gonna happen... I can order innards easier than I can find "nice" plastics...
Sounds like it's time for my, "I'm not interested in your saw but I will buy what your smokin'" response.


Doing great round these parts. Busy busy busy. Got a small amount of rain over the past few days, not enough to really do any good. I saw some mention of a Jasper GTG in Oct, I surely hope I'll make it!

I just saw "big Chuck" at Walmart. Should I have him 'lean' on you? :msp_w00t:
I cut some today, future note to self Stihl RSC is not as hard as the forks on the tractor. :bang: sure was nice having the log picked up so I didn't hit any rocks.
hey fellow weirdos. got me a new pioneer p28e yesterday. after emptying the 4-yr old mix and placing new mix it fired up. prolly needs a carb rebuild but its a runner. it only needs an 18", 0.325p, 0.058g, semi-chisel chain. any recommendations? i've become somewhat partial to stihl chains but oregons work too. just trying to find out what model i should get.

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