Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX GTG (Next GTG 08/27/2016 ) Fort Scott, KS

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Just spent 12 hours at a 99 degree county fair...
I'm ready for a dip in the spring...
Fancy pants the steer did good though... Won his class and will taste awesome...
Gotta love a good show steer for table fare...
Soooooooo Les, is there a particular brand that you're going to specialize in?:poke:

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(Just kidding, I don't want Kim beating me senseless at the GTG.)
Actually wouldn't planting August 1 be closer to right?

Allowing for the cool end to slow ripening? Or would it not work at all?

(probably too many coons, no offense Stumpy. )
That would only apply to raising the sweet corn. All else still stands as planned. What a volunteerous bunch.
Friday night whole ribe eye. All the fixings. :)

I could plant sweet corn today, would it come off on time?

Timing sweetcorn is almost impossible...
One of the nights will be "The bacon explosion"
But beef is just good...

Still at the fair... Beef may be cooked before it gets to the locker plant...
We planted ( a little late) four long rows of corn they are knee high now only a third of it came up. Saddest looking plants you ever saw, I don't think they will make.

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