Hey, subsidize this project with what you've produced. Advertise:
"Barefoot beach--4" deep of the softest sand you'll ever walk in (wood chips). Dance beneath the swaying palm, in the shade of the trailer (at certain times of day)."
...Get yur money's worth outta that lectric saw!
Don't forget to lower your rakers once half the cutter's gone due to sharpening.
...Warms my heart.
I agree with j that pile is tidy, if you ain't careful someone is going to try and hire you. I also agree 2 bill at home that is my min stump which is 125.00. No need in pick let the machine work move the concrete yes but no pick needed. I wish i lived closer id grind that just for the hell of it . It would take me 10 minutes tops!J--thanks. Couldn't have done it without you.
That's ridiculous on the stump. I've done a few 900 dollar stumps and they were about 10 times that size full clean up! 600 for the debris not completely out of line but you can probably do better. when you see some lowlife drunke crew working stop and see what he says it's not exactly rocket science at this point... check your home depot or local rental place if you have one to see if they have a smaller self propelled unit (vermeer 252) I'd say 250 for the day and you could easily be done in 4 hrs with the machine for a half day rate.