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Is anything running on the ac? Fan motor or compressor? watch those capicitor’s. They will knock you on your azz
You bout whipped her, man wally world has cheap lil 8000 btu ac window units that will cool that nicely "just sayin"Got a bit more done today, again in 90+ degree temps. Finished with the "scaffolding" (2 sheets of 5/8" plywood plus an 8' 2 x 8) between the shop and trailer roofs, so moved the plywood over to help shade the trailer. It's about 10 degrees hotter in the trailer now that the foliage has disappeared. Once I have the rest of the tree down, so I can take one run at getting rid of the debris, I'll address some kind of shade. Tried to troubleshoot the ancient rooftop RV air conditioner; it's getting power, but won't start; possibly/hopefully just a capacitor.
Friday I picked up the last quart of bar oil they had at my local hardware store. Today I got the last gallon at Advance Auto Parts. Sharpened and re-tensioned the chain. The saw has begun making new noises since I've started burying the bar in the thick part of the tree, especially when cutting with the grain--it doesn't like that and long fibers try to build up between the bar and chain.--it only needs to last awhile longer.I've been feeling it too, got a kink in my neck that won't go away.
Just heard a vehicle pull up outside. It was a guy picking out the really small firewood! I assured him it was good wood for burning and that he could have all he wanted.Wound up speaking with him for the longest time--got into some deep conversation that was so enjoyable. Funny how that works sometimes.
Nothing runs on that ancient a/c. Wouldn't that be something if a capacitor got me after avoiding the dangers of taking down the tree?!!! A window a/c is out because I want to be able to tow the trailer. Once the tree project is finished I'll try to get the original unit working if possible, to help until I can get some kind of shade put up.
...The man's a master wood crafter extraordinaire!...
Sometimes spraying the top of a trailer with the garden hose will cool it down a tadNothing runs on that ancient a/c. Wouldn't that be something if a capacitor got me after avoiding the dangers of taking down the tree?!!! A window a/c is out because I want to be able to tow the trailer. Once the tree project is finished I'll try to get the original unit working if possible, to help until I can get some kind of shade put up.
Get me a schematic or model number
Wrap around safety glasses are the thing, when running saws.Would like to mention how well the safety glasses have been working.
take your time. I know you said it was in the 90’sThanks. As soon as I take off the external shroud I'll post my findings.
...It’s 120 volt house current?
Got a little more done today. Temps over 90 degrees again.
Would like to mention how well the safety glasses have been working. Misplaced a pair and discovered them underfoot. So ordered a couple pairs of exact duplicates. Bomber H-Bomb H101AF (anti-fog) clear @ $7.95 ea. Great product--great service.