Oldirty North American Tour 08

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Do any fishin' yet JC?

Too bad this thread has sooooo much extra poop in it! The pics are great, keep 'em coming!

I'm guessing the public school system in PA isn't all that good...............
Do any fishin' yet JC?

Too bad this thread has sooooo much extra poop in it! The pics are great, keep 'em coming!

I'm guessing the public school system in PA isn't all that good...............

Yeah, well we already know what ya'all think about us
down here banjo's :laugh: Funny thing is youz guys
think we talk funny. I think education should create
a humble attitude, instead of arrogant but then as
I said, youz guys feel different about us. We had
a feller from Boston in our school, took him a long
time to come around to our way of thinking but he
made the leap and turned out to be a fair chap:cheers:
Wow rope, you got that all wrong..

youse guys is a New Yuck/ Philly thing. I was referring to grammar, not funny accents:dizzy:
Wow rope, you got that all wrong..

youse guys is a New Yuck/ Philly thing. I was referring to grammar, not funny accents:dizzy:

Yeah I came through the concrete east for the first time several
months back, I will say my hat is off to ya'all I could not stand
all that traffic and all the different personalities daily. I will admit
it was not as bad as I expected and even met a few friendlies
but here we wave when we pass someone, so maybe you can
understand me better. Your ladies thought I was a stud they
don't hear my type much and my wife was laughing at my
chit eating grin!
Wow rope, you got that all wrong..

youse guys is a New Yuck/ Philly thing. I was referring to grammar, not funny accents:dizzy:

Boston I heard that. :bang:

Yeah, well we already know what ya'all think about us
down here banjo's :laugh: Funny thing is youz guys
think we talk funny.

I gotta say rope you're right! :biggrinbounce2: But on the other hand you seem quite normal. Tell me your one of those guys that hung up his suit for a chainsaw and a life outside the city. (Cause I would hate to think I was wrong all these years about everybody living west of Phiily:greenchainsaw: )

Now, boston up there I've met him and he does talk funny.:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
Yeah I came through the concrete east for the first time several
months back, I will say my hat is off to ya'all I could not stand
all that traffic and all the different personalities daily. I will admit
it was not as bad as I expected and even met a few friendlies
but here we wave when we pass someone, so maybe you can
understand me better. Your ladies thought I was a stud they
don't hear my type much and my wife was laughing at my
chit eating grin!

Did ya ever see, "Coogan's Bluff"? You must have you sound and look just like that guy.:greenchainsaw: One of my fav's as a kid. Leart me not to hang out in pool halls. :cheers:
Old Dirty, I hope you are going to take the time to ride that proverbial moose. Not the one back home but the other one. Its proverbial ,which means you can do it anyway you want.
There are a lot of inspiring things out there but there is only a certain few of them make you really go " OH!"
Have you met anyone who reminds you of someone else, exactly? Do you think it a small world? Or is it a big one? I can't answer the last 2. I have said that it the same no matter where you are but things are different to.

Ropes, you are coming along nicely and yeah, that was a brutal beating Coogan took in that poolhall AND I bet the ladies think you are a stud even in Alaska.

Back to Ol-d, I think you might see if your girl would be intrested in getting a ticket for a moose ride in your direction, as Ropes is correct about the traffic out here. Awhile back I made the conscience effort to be crazier than the people who jump at the chance to be stuck in it. I liked it and it stuck.
I guess what I am saying is that whatever you do you are going to have to make it really work for you, you can decide where you want to make it work, but you got to be slick. This work is tough no matter where you are.
Did you ever hear ' The New Speedway Boogie?" . Just so you know it is a Grateful Dead song but it is not a fairy, hippy song no matter how far the stretch. Actually, a lot of the songs they did were old songs from long ago, kinda like Zepplin and the Stones. Anyway, I think you should get a copy of that song. It will make you kick your feet but more important are the words. here is an excerpt to get you started...." you can't overlook the lack of any other highway around. Its got no signs or dividing lines and very few rules to guide.I spent a liitle time on the mountain, I spent a little time on a hill. I heard some say walk away, others say better to stand still." If you like geetars and rock and roll that is.
Actually if there is anybody out there who is able to post a copy for all to hear .... TREECO? What's up?
Yeah I came through the concrete east for the first time several
months back, I will say my hat is off to ya'all I could not stand
all that traffic and all the different personalities daily. I will admit
it was not as bad as I expected and even met a few friendlies
but here we wave when we pass someone, so maybe you can
understand me better. Your ladies thought I was a stud they
don't hear my type much and my wife was laughing at my
chit eating grin!

I tend to stay off the beaten path, that's why I use that little F350 4x4. No takey big tree truck down there, or up there, or through there. Dirt roads a lot of times but the wawa is just a mile down the road and they are building more. I do some work for a guy who says that 25 years ago he was the only game in town. The guys who used to work for him now have set up shop. I guess that's some of that circle.
I don't care if they think I am a stud anymore as long as they realize I can't help with their, well, whatever it is that they do. Today a nice lady will give you the finger with one hand while yammering on the phone with the other AND SHE HIT YOU. My wife does not really gab on that phone, niether do I, I'm driving- how could I? They yap and drive and they drive with the fuel pump still in the filling neck and yap some more, like me now.
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Yeah, well we already know what ya'all think about us
down here banjo's :laugh: Funny thing is youz guys
think we talk funny. I think education should create
a humble attitude, instead of arrogant but then as
I said, youz guys feel different about us. We had
a feller from Boston in our school, took him a long
time to come around to our way of thinking but he
made the leap and turned out to be a fair chap:cheers:

I don't know If I can make any kind of leaps these days AND you are right about that education arroagance, sort of, BUT if I went to your school ALL the ladies there would be on my tip AND I like banjo music. Very much in fact.
Do any fishin' yet JC?

Too bad this thread has sooooo much extra poop in it! The pics are great, keep 'em coming!

I'm guessing the public school system in PA isn't all that good...............

When i went the teacher said I need to work on my grammer and punctuation. I said "no, I need a g damn editor. Now shut up I am going to hitch hike to florida, bye".
funny I had an english teacher in 6 th grade that I worked for and read my stuff. I had a english professor in my second year give me straight A's.
I am actaully holding back until you guys really get to know me. Take care.
I was at one school, I think in Pittsburg, where I met Christian Infinito from Jersey. He had a poem writen on a piece a construction paper, it looked like a little kid had written it in crayon. It said something about a little girl and her ice cream cone for about 3 lines and at the end it said" set your mind free baby and maybe you will understand." I mean, can you dig it man?
And MDS wants to tell me about relinquishing control!
From the top once more- I am a lumberjack and that's OK ! Only through proper discernment are you going to get it. Got it? It is funny but define funny.
christian also never wore shoes and if asked why he said" If I can't be me who can I be?" YOU?
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I don't know If I can make any kind of leaps these days AND you are right about that education arroagance, sort of, BUT if I went to your school ALL the ladies there would be on my tip AND I like banjo music. Very much in fact.

Then you would like Mountain View Ar Minny Pearl ring a bell? They
have it playing downtown, live folk and gospel it is very relaxing and you will see boys and girls at five playing well. The biggest event that impressed me was, a 11 year old playing the fiddle and was near perfect on the notes, had a big crowd around him and a man in line said he was born blind!
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Then you would like Mountain View Ar Minny Pearl ring a bell? They
have it playing downtown, live folk and gospel it is very relaxing and you will see boys and girls at five playing well. The biggest event that impressed me was, a 11 year old playing the fiddle and was near perfect on the notes, had a big crowd around him and a man in line said he was born blind!

I do a little tinkering on some old stringed instruments and have done some open mic that was run by some of my friends. Any music can be good. OTIS?
Things was my solo act was hit mostly because I was a little drunk and picked some good tunes to play. I sounded much better when others started to play along. I can fake Sultans of Swing by Dire Straits enough to get them hopping, just don't let me sing, the geetar is bad enough. I can also whip out The Beverly Hillbillies( E. Scruggs and co) and of course the Dueling Banjos is a fav. Ba da de da de da de da . And of course there was always Ghost Riders on the Storm which i am playing right now- Do you think you know who wrote that ?

Maybe some old Cat Stevens is what you need" I listen to the wind, the wind of my soul, where I end up well I think God only knows" Now ther is a hippy for ya.
I do a little tinkering on some old stringed instruments and have done some open mic that was run by some of my friends. Any music can be good. OTIS?
Things was my solo act was hit mostly because I was a little drunk and picked some good tunes to play. I sounded much better when others started to play along. I can fake Sultans of Swing by Dire Straits enough to get them hopping, just don't let me sing, the geetar is bad enough. I can also whip out The Beverly Hillbillies( E. Scruggs and co) and of course the Dueling Banjos is a fav. Ba da de da de da de da . And of course there was always Ghost Riders on the Storm which i am playing right now- Do you think you know who wrote that ?

Ha I'm scratchin on my old fender now ever hear don't ask me, no questions
and I won't tell you no lies? Oh now it is lewie lewi oh oh
and now let us see hmmn, ok I got one going now preacher man on the radio puttin down rock and roll,want's me to send a donation ok now lets do the dueling no wait how about wildwood flower yeah I like that pickin!
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Ha I'm scratchin on my old fender now ever hear don't ask me, no questions
and I won't tell you no lies? Oh now it is lewie lewi oh oh
and now let us see hmmn, ok I got one going now preacher man on the radio puttin down rock and roll,want's me to send a donation ok now lets do the dueling no wait how about wildwood flower yeah I like that pickin!

TWANG! SO who wrote Ghost Riders?

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