(Note: Feel free to copy and circulate this message. You'll see why.)
This freeze thaw cycle just burst the neighbor's above ground pool and an 11,000 gallon icebergh went sliding through my back yard. It looks like someone threw a gernade in the pool. One side opened up and the whole thing exploded out like an areosol can in a firepit. 4' x 24' pool, no one hurt but the pool is shot. Pieces of the liner and lawn chairs are couple hundred feet down the hill. Washed the grass out of the lawn, down the hill, across the road behind us and over the next hill and into the creek. Oak trees caught the big ice chunks. Kiss that pool GONE!
Appraised of the facts as I knew them, I contacted the installer who came to the site within 8 hours – he scratched his head in disbelief.
I’ve heard nothing more from the installer and manufacturer. I believe justice indicates they should make things right, so, if they make light of this experience, I’ll be forced to litigate.
ahhh, the beauty of copy and paste, and selective deletion. Fun, fun fun:jester: