Swappin' stories over beers is always a good time. That's just Natural Law.
Maybe we'll have to do an Inland NW gtg.
You have Niko.
Id like to walk up and pap that hat right off that old timers dusty dome..
Just so I could see the action that followed.
...you countin on being able to see it?
Puppies make that little squeekin' sound when you step on them.
Puppies aren't 6'3'' @ 215lbs with 8% fat are they?
Looks like you all had a damn good time, sorry I missed it, along with my other ding dongs in crime.
Maybe we'll have to do an Inland NW gtg.
Good idea. Only problem is...when all the good GTGs are going most of us are working in the woods. I've missed Farley's two years in a row. Gotta be a cure for that.