I made it to Farleyville before 10:00 this morning but there were several folks ahead of me already. I will foul up some of the names but I will give it my best shot. First up, a little something waiting for Aaron when he finally makes his way north.
Bob trying to decide where to put the next label
Bob and T's friend Guy helping get things ready
Jeanie, Patty (SlowP), Bob (Gologit), Kevin, Bob (Farely9N)
Brian (Cedarkerf) andBigBad Bob Forsyth
Clydine (Mrs. Gologit), Jeanie, Paso Roblo Jimmy, Joan (Mrs. Bigbadbob). Jeanie might be Mountain Mama but I have a poor memory.
Sheldon (torinocobra) brought a few saws
Fraser (Pac City) showed up as we were finishing dinner and brought a few saws as well
Kevin, Bob, and Fraser plotting strategy for tomorrow