ArboristSite Guru
It's nice too see this.........
Get bumped back up front!...:msp_smile:...We are working towards getting FarleyVille " into shape! Mark, once again we are disappointed that you won't be to make the Pacific swing...
... You are well respected out here! Terry, the "GOLD" is in your cooking! Seems as if Sheldon and possibly J.J. may have your 111s needs covered even if I don't step up though I might if you can get those reps from Oregon too show!...:msp_wink:... As to the Homelite 2100s rings, mine looks as if it might have partially digested the compression release. The damage may be manageable but a dykes ring would be appreciated. I just spent another day with saws on the picnic table at the house. Should have taken a picture. Too the right, the 2100, Solo 680, husky 55, Homelite 102, and a couple others of note, too the left, 7 or so Wildthings in various stages of undress in a disorderly pile! Two of which did make it into the back of "T"'s Toyota as working saws! Looking Forward to JUNE!!!!!!
Get bumped back up front!...:msp_smile:...We are working towards getting FarleyVille " into shape! Mark, once again we are disappointed that you won't be to make the Pacific swing...