pay scale:Calif.

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Sep 16, 2006
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Bakersfield, Ca.
I've been checking out this forum for a while but this is my first post. I'm 49 years old, and have been in this business for over 20+ years, and I can't help but be intrigued at the money some climbers in other states seem to make. I am a crew leader for a small company in so. Calif. (12 employees) I am a cert. arborist , expert in all phases of tree work. I just finished a 12 1/2 hour day , and have to be at work again at 6;00 am (Sat.). I am the highest payed person there, and I make 16.00 an hour. Time and a half only on the weekends. I'm burnt out even as I'm typing this. Man am ready to move to another state or take up truck driving. I am the only English speaking climber we have. I work with a bunch of good hard working guys, but there's so many illegals in the trade here, the pay sucks. Any one have any advice for an old burnt out tree guy?

16 plus what? Benefits of any kind? Vacation, sick days? You did mention time and a half. That's a good thing and leads me to believe you work for a real company. Put yourself in your employers boots and tell us if you would give yourself a raise, or could you give yourself a raise!
An experinced climber/crew leader in Sydney, Australia will get $25 to $30 per hour plus hol pay, sick pay and 8% superannuation.
Contract climbers with their own gear and insurance get $350 to $450 per day, depending on abilty.

Semi truck drivers can get $20 to $30 per hour here.
The compeny I work for is probbly the best in the area, and the only compeny I've ever worked for that does give health benifits. Its a great compeny, I'm not complaning so much about my employer. We get 50 to 60 hours week after week and he pays us top pay for our area. No I just read post of people getting 300 hunderd to 500 a day, and am wondering if Im missing the boat. I was giving a 2 dollar raise last year when I passed the ISA cert arborist test(WE-7804A) So maybe its just the grass seems greener else where. But I sure would like to work less and make more money;)
Pay Scale

First and foremost I work ont he east coast so I am not sure what affect that has on pay. THere are plenty of illegals here as well... I started at 16 an hour..With no cdl, no pesticide license and no other credentials. Keep in mind I just graduated college with a degree in hort, as well as some climbing experience, but bgy no means the experience you have... At my company (50 plus guys) I think our top field employee makes close to 80k a year... He has credentials CDL, ISa cert, pesticide etc...Maybe reccomend oty your boss to put up askills achievement list, and base everyones pay on that...
Well beast ,the grass IS always greener on the other side ,but it really all depends on where you live and the pay scale for that certain area.You could always ask your employer what the common rate is or look for yourself . If you want to move and are'nt tied down you should definately check out different areas because even 100 miles away the pay could differ greatly . I'm all the way on the south east coast ,but the pay is'nt much better because of the need or awareness for tree care. I left a much better paying tree company so that my wife could start her carreer,but things look better every year ,lol.

So yeh you should check it out if you're interested in moving because it sounds like you're not happy and that's what it's all about ,being happy where you work as long as you love what you do.
Good luck and climb safe.:)
this proves my point

Five years ago I left the my field position which paid me $27.50/hr as a climber, no CDL.
The north east seems to pay the most in this industry for college educated treeclimbers.
I have moved into a management position at 30 years old where I do not have to climb full time, climbing is no longer in my job description. Last year I made 80k, I supervise several crews and know all the tricks.
The economy here might play into my inflated salary, (I bought my three bedroom house in Boston for $480,000.00 two years ago)

thill is making a good wage for a decent climber here (degree or not, and I'm guessing he's in his early 20's). With a few years and a certification or two under his belt and a CDL he could make up to $30/hr, easily.

I have interviewed for jobs in San Francisco, CA and Key west FLA. (the only places my wife will move to) When I tell them what I make in Boston they s#!t their pants, seriously.............If any of you are looking for a move PM me, there is always room for good tree guys here.
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holy sh!t thats no wonder why your pay scale is so high. Not trying to pry into your bussiness but 480,000 broken down to 30 yrs. plus taxes and ins. is like 4 grand a month 48,000 a year. No wonder they call it bean town.
holy sh!t thats no wonder why your pay scale is so high. Not trying to pry into your bussiness but 480,000 broken down to 30 yrs. plus taxes and ins. is like 4 grand a month 48,000 a year. No wonder they call it bean town.

that is good math but you are forgetting what a good down payment can do for a mortgage...............
When I worked just north of San Francisco California, I was paid $21/hr for the longest time as a foreman. Before I left I jumped up to $24. I left the area because I couldn't afford to live there. My boss tried to keep the next guy by paying him $35/ hour but he left the are too, to work as a logger in Humboldt County for $17/hour.

I think the cost of living in an area is more important than wages.
In CA the employer is supposed to pay overtime for everything over 8 hours per day.
$16/hr is pretty low IMO. But you are competing with illeagals and you do get lots of hours and regular work.
We miss a lot of work in the mountians to high fire danger and snow.
Do you have a CDL, are you willing to work in the mountian communities?
Thanks for the many replies. We're having 80 mph winds out here right now, its madness.:dizzy: ( I love emergency jobs) thank for the information. I am thinking about moving, I'm in school right now, and still have a year left. But I could transfer..I am trying to figure out a major(AA)that'l benefit me if I stay in the industry. I have a CDL, Excellent reference, and so on. I'm vary in employable. I'm on my way to work right now with a better attitude this morning. Again thanks for the input.
Beastmaster- I moved to Los Angeles (los feliz) about 2 years ago. I couldn't find anoyone to pay me more than 12/hr. I had been making between $18 and $25 while living in WI, ME, NJ, MD...

It took me about 6 minutes to realize that hispanics (illegal or otherwise) has flooded the tree market here. I took the $12 thinking I'd get a crazy raise in a couple just didn't happen. Why were they going to pay me $20 and hour to do something that someone else would do for $8 an hour (seriously).

That's when I stopped climbing full time, and only did tree work on the side. I know have a full time job at and do treework on the side. I am much happier now.

I think for you, you have to look at your situation and try to change it. The first thing I would do is talk to all your competition. Figure out who you would actually be willing to work for- then find out what they pay. Might seem like you are turning your back on your current employer.....because you are! But you gotta look out for Number 1.

See what you can find- then tell your boss- "listen- you treat me good- but I have a family (or whatever) and this company is offering $20/hr with the same benefits. Would you do $19? Realistically, an 80 hour week would only cost you another $240- which you know I am making you easily---but it would make a huge difference to me."

If no one will pay you more- maybe it is time to look into another profession. Cash in on your skills!

I sometimes ask myself. "People at In-N-Out start at about $10hr. Is what I am doing only 1.6 times as difficult as what they are doing?"

When was the last time you got a raise? I know employers sometimes "forget" to give raises they know you deserve and they can afford. Maybe the boss man needs a little reminder?

My 25 year old landscaping/tree foreman makes $20hr no benefits.

Health insurance is outrages here and I would offer it if it was reasonable.

I would start you at $20 an hour if you wanted to move here.
your getting screwed

I started climbing in 91 at $16 an hour... I was 23 years old. That lasted about three months and I was bumped up to $20. Ended up doing sales and handling my own region 3 years later for 1/3 of profits and did side jobs on my own as well... I have been on my own for many years now... Can't tell you what I make an hour now but I billed $600+ an hour on my last crane job...
I've been checking out this forum for a while but this is my first post. I'm 49 years old, and have been in this business for over 20+ years, and I can't help but be intrigued at the money some climbers in other states seem to make. I am a crew leader for a small company in so. Calif. (12 employees) I am a cert. arborist , expert in all phases of tree work. I just finished a 12 1/2 hour day , and have to be at work again at 6;00 am (Sat.). I am the highest payed person there, and I make 16.00 an hour. Time and a half only on the weekends. I'm burnt out even as I'm typing this. Man am ready to move to another state or take up truck driving. I am the only English speaking climber we have. I work with a bunch of good hard working guys, but there's so many illegals in the trade here, the pay sucks. Any one have any advice for an old burnt out tree guy?

Being a CA, and in the business for years...have you thought about subbing your self out??? Going on your own...might be a slow start...but i am sure you will be making more then 16 an hour.
man 16hr

31.50 here and its still a hard living. no med no comp just cash
Southern pay

I live in Alabama and I have been in the tree business for 10yrs. I have just started to go full time for past 3 yrs. I know that the #1 rule for climbing pay is that it is never enough for the risk. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to get non climbers to understand this. I know people that pay 250hr for climbing in small towns. People always gripe and say ur to high, or somone else will do it for cheaper. You got to have the right set up and not take risk. I try to make a minimum of 400-600 for a full days work. MYSELF. But i dont work everyday. I hate how people inside and out treat the tree care business. If a plumber screws up your bathroom stinks, if I screw up there is a good chance someone will die or major property damage. My father-in-law 20yrclimber fell 18 feet broke his neck various othe rmajor trauma. His hospital bills at one facility was 24 MILLION dollars. His total healthcare cost for his injuries for 3yrs before his death was almost 100 MILLION. No kidding I have seen the reports. A hireman is worthy of his wage.
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I live in Alabama and I have been in the tree business for 10yrs. I have just started to go full time for past 3 yrs. I know that the #1 rule for climbing pay is that it is never enough for the risk. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to get non climbers to understand this. I know people that pay 250hr for climbing in small towns. People always gripe and say ur to high, or somone else will do it for cheaper. You got to have the right set up and not take risk. I try to make a minimum of 400-600 for a full days work. MYSELF. But i dont work everyday. I hate how people inside and out treat the tree care business. If a plumber screws up your bathroom stinks, if I screw up there is a good chance someone will die or major property damage. My father-in-law 20yrclimber fell 18 feet broke his neck various othe rmajor trauma. His hospital bills at one facility was 24 MILLION dollars. His total healthcare cost for his injuries for 3yrs before his death was almost 100 MILLION. No kidding I have seen the reports. A hireman is worthy of his wage.

Welcome to AS.
Do you know a Mike Gerrard? I worked with him in Gadsden in the mid 90's. He was a one of the best climbers I have ever worked with. The last I knew of him, he was working for Asplundh in the Gadsden area.

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