Perhaps some insight

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"I highly dispute the assertion that a new 24 year old man can start climbing and have 50 years of it ahead of him. Most guys I know can't do it after age 45-50. We were talking about climbing, right? harsh facts need weighed aong with the rosey outlook he's being spoonfed."

Child, Mind your manners when talking to your elders and your superiors. :angry:

At 53 I have 38 years in the saddle. Just worked a full 8-hour day climbing in the heat, incl. 2 sizable removals and 3 rather technical prunes. I learned from a guy who was 73 and still in the tree, hence my 5-decade statement.

Kids these days. :rolleyes:

I don't know what "pratt" means, but arrogant sounds about right.
Sorry guys, but on this one, we have to agree to disagree.
Some can't handle the truth, some can.
As before, no slight to the ones who can do it. Then again, most can't.
Certian areas seem to have climbers, others hire men as foremen that couldn't carry most guys pruner poles.

Been around it too long, will not back down. My opinions stand for me. You don't have to like them anymore than I like some of your opinions.


Oh BTW to our brit boys, its not arrogance if you really are the best around your area. My former company sent me to 8 other states to teach men to climb. I always wondered why the locals couldn't teach their men themselves. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
God save the queen

EDIT - Guy, one of those states was NC, trained men in Greensboro and Durham areas. We found something we don't agree on

started as a climber when i was 17,now nearly 32 and still learning differant techniques.still fast as fock if i have to be though:blob2:
thanks guys

Well now you've got me believing that it's i just need a good teacher. any takers? this is very exciting to me.


ps. now i just need to buy a saddle and make a buckstrap
Hahahahahah, to old to climb. I'm 63 and started last year and have climbed almost every day since. I feel like I'm 19 and climbing has given me a new vitality.

If the the day comes that I've got to use a walker to get to the tree I will still be climbing.

BTW: still working on the seniors handicaping for a broader range of climbers. ISA chapter is very interested.

This will allow you young retired guys to compete with us old climbers on a fair field, ah tree.

Originally posted by begleytree
EDIT - Guy, one of those states was NC, trained men in Greensboro and Durham areas. We found something we don't agree on
What, that some climbers in NC need training? I'd agree with that 100%. :)

How about diagnosis, and determining what to cut where how when? Much more important imo. Does your company (do they drive green trucks?) train climbers on that too, or do the foremen make all the calls from the ground?
I've declined to answer any of your postings on this thread because I doubt very seriously you have anything constructive to say.
Your posts resemble a hurt childs'. Did I somehow insult ************? Did my remarks strike a tender nerve?
Your sarcasm points to a low-average intelligence. But then, the tree care industry is overstocked with that.
Remember sir, anyone can make snide and rude remarks when confronted with something they don't agree with. My 7 year old daughter is probably better at it than you. The real trick is to confront different opinions with intelligent, well thought out remarks.
BUT, before you start thinking I give a dam what you think remember this: You are nothing but a series of ones and zeros in a man made data stream . You do not exist.

I stand by my original remarks. 24 years old with one days exp verses 24 year old with 10 years exp. Who is so far behind they will never catch up? I myself refuse to be average, some excell at being so.
Originally posted by begleytree
I've declined to answer any of your postings on this thread because I doubt very seriously you have anything constructive to say.

Gee Ralph, looking back at your posts, seems you haven't had much constructive to say yourself.

Mike's a PITA sometimes, but he's a very good contributor to our forum, and has earned our respect.

You on the other hand...

"Been doing tree work for 15 years now, still learning everyday. I hold a BS in ag sciences and the usual ISA certification.

I started my own company (landscaping) 4 years ago and started another (tree) 2 years ago. "


"I personally charge $125/hr also for a crew, truck and chipper. Most times with all the expense I have to pad the job on hours to make it worthwhile. And I don't have to pay corperate office either!"
"Orclimber Don't bug the utility.
I was a regional manager, for the green row company that Asplundh recently bought, for 6 power companies. "
I don't come here to be belittled.
especially by you, have been reading your inconsistant posts for a while now."
"In my experience, the backcut is all that really matters. The notch is (to me ) only used to allow the tree to lean and break without barberchairing, and kicking off the stump. I've never had a tree follow the notch regardless of the backcut, I always have them follow the backcut regardless of the notch, within reason of course."

okay... so you're still learning and DON'T know everything, your new to owning a tree business, you rip your customers off every chance you get, you were a manager (exempt from actually DOING tree work) either for a long time which takes away from your 15 years of supposed experience or a short time in which case you sucked at it, you have a beef with one of the best arborists I know, and you don't know sh!t from shinola when it comes to notches.

Mike was right... those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

Consider your ego CHECKED.
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Originally posted by netree
Consider your ego CHECKED.
Mr. Lovell,

That was an ably documented refutation of airheaded arrogance. I commend your talents and perspective.

Mr. Begley,

You indeed have a valuable perspective to add, and we welcome it. You may well be a big fish in your local community/company pond, but by now you must realize you're in an ocean, teeming with barracuda, sharks, manta rays and killer whales.

I'm the last person to preach on humility, but toning down the crowing may be wise.
Originally posted by begleytree
Your sarcasm points to a low-average intelligence. But then, the tree care industry is overstocked with that.
Remember sir, anyone can make snide and rude remarks when confronted with something they don't agree with. My 7 year old daughter is probably better at it than you. The real trick is to confront different opinions with intelligent, well thought out remarks.

Not that Erik didn't put you in you place, at the bottom of the food chain, I'd like to comment.

The little jokes where just in fun, and as I typed them I thought how they sounded childish. Then I considered who I was teasing and thought, "perfect!"
You woud waste well thought out remarks on a 7 year old mind, would you?

As for my intelligence, last nite I was watching TV and needed to make a phone call. THe rmote and phone were on the table beside me. You may have guessed, I picked up the remote and started to dial.
If that's not proof of my superior mind, the other day i was driving along, glanced down and noticed my cell phone wasn't in the holder. I started freaking out a little wondering where it was. After about thirty seconds of fumbling around on the floor and digging between the seats, I realized I was on the phone!

So before you question somebody's smartosity, just make sure he isn't like 3 times as smarter than you.
Originally posted by Mike Maas
You woud waste well thought out remarks on a 7 year old mind, would you?
Waste? I learn as much from 7-year olds as from adults.

Mike gives good reminders that we'r eall human. I'd tell you all about my airhead moves done yesterday, but it would take until tomorrow.
When reasonable people disagree, what matters is that they explore their differences and come to a meeting of the minds.

When an unreasonable person disagrees, he cannot explore differences until he gets his mind right so it can meet others'.

We can wait for ya bro, we've all needed some time to think on things.

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