Pine Beetles, and other info needed

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Lumberjack said:
If the galls are all over the twigs around the tree then it will take a long while, plus it needs to be dead wooded.
Then you can specifiy deadtwigging as a part of deadwooding; just call it thorough deadwooding or eradicative pruning.
So I can freely distribute the sidewalk paper? I know of several people I can send it to, plus incorparate it in mailouts, emails, and faxes.
yES yES a second time yes. After you read the relevant pages in that book you can make changes to suit your area and your style and call it your own; I never got paid for it but it was printed in the ISASC newsletter (didn't you see it there? Yes that thing is worth reading sometimes) so you can ask them for formal permission too please while you're at it.
I will contact him tonight.

The reason I asked if I could freely distribute is because you only said the client. Since we made a big hoop la earlier I was just clarifiying.

I dont get the ISASC newsletter. I am guess that is International Society of Arboriculture SC (something?).

Thanks for the help on these issues fellows, I am a little slow on the uptake from time to time, but I do my best to put forth an intelligent, thoughtful, learning foot :).
Lumberjack said:
I dont get the ISASC newsletter. I am guess that is International Society of Arboriculture SC (something?).
Yes, SOuthern Chapter. Since I thought you were ISA certified I thought you were a member, so I did that Ass-U-Me thing again. THey can be reached at, you should get a routine OK.

Re your client, if you propose a "crown cleaning", that should cover the need to remove all the galls you can without damaging the tree. There's a sizeable squabble on the ASCA forum right now about the term 'deadwooding"; some there feel that since (they say) the inner wood of a tree is "dead", that term means tree removal. :rolleyes:

And you think we pick nits here? You ain't seen nothin. :alien:
Nope not a member or cert, yet. I am going to the Nashville in August an am plannin on taking the Cert test then, I am considering membership as well, but that will be after I see what the company (ISA) is all about in Nash.
Lumberjack said:
I am going to the Nashville in August an am plannin on taking the Cert test then,
thought you went to fla to take it, my confusion. See you in nashville I hope; as far as joining it may work for you just for reduced test fees, conference reg and book prices. Let us know how the gouty oak prune goes; send pics of big galled branches that looked too big to remove if you can ok?
I will keep you updated, you see, I keep you happy (like the red in the sig line) and I get free access to a wealth of knowlege:). Its all a big ploy for info!
Lumberjack said:
I keep you happy (like the red in the sig line)
OK then how about disemboldening it? Re isa, do the math, you'll save more than the membership dues this year. If you don't see enough benefit, then just don't renew.
Ok, I can do that, the hoop la is seemingly over.

I get in nashville on student status, $75 bucks. :) I like that. I will check out the dues and see if its something I wanna do, I am thinking it is.

An aside/rant. Unloading the trailer with the tractor I found a sink hole that I had no clue was there. I was backing up from dropping a load into the pile and just sunk. We pushed 2 logs into the ground about 4.5' and thought we had it licked basically, so I drove forward to set another pier and sunk laying frame with the front of the tractor being held up by the front end loader and front axle. GRRR Used the loader to pick up the front end, and had to fight the huge suction to get it up, piled some more sticks (6" diameter or so) and drove out with plenty of effort. Perhaps is from the rain we have had.
Carl, Membership in ISA is definitely a worthwhile investment. I skipped joining the local chapter-an error I intend to correct when I renew next year.
Because I am a full time student my dues are only 25 bucks, but would that make my classification a student or professional? I am both IMO, any advantage of being pro?