I will sell you my NOS 655..........after I die......LOL
I will sell you my NOS 655..........after I die......LOL
I will sell you my NOS 655..........after I die......LOL
Can i pry it from your old dead fingers. :msp_biggrin:
What you want with one of them anyway....LOL
Maybe you can trade him for a camper and 38 trimmers.
I will sell you my NOS 655..........after I die......LOL
I must have missed the pictures of that one. I haven't been online for awhile. I'll show you mine if you show me yours... lol
The NOS one is on the left.
Nice to see you back Ed !
You stihl suck !
Ed, you'll have to excuse John ... he was recently stuck with 83 Weed Eaters that don't run and a camper that's more of a breezeway.
The cow will back me on this one, I'm sure.
@ tbone75;
Look closely at those weed eaters. You potentially have 83 FarmSaw ignitions,
Yes. And he has numerous saws now that he can't lift so he don't need any more.
Ordered four of the rubber isolators from Baileys. One showed up today. Call them and ask where are the other three. They show they were signed for by a Mr. Lopez on May 17.
UPS can't find my house? W.T.H.
Put the crankcase together this morning with the gasket set just arrived from PartsTree. The auto parts store flywheel side bearing didn't work. Radius on inner ring isn't large enuff to clear the fillet on the crank shoulder/counter weight cheek. Tighten the case screws and the crank won't turn.
I bought a Pioneer 750... haven't got it home yet, I'll likely pick it up later in the week after work.
Just curious about a few things. From what I can see on Acer's the chain pitch is 400.... is that a typo? Should it be 404, and if not where can I get 400 chain? Turns over, and has spark, figured I'd take a chance on it and maybe have some fun bringing it back to life.
I have an old bar that came off of an RA... it has a loop of 404 chipper chain. Hoping it's the same mount. How hard is it to find parts for these? Looks like they were only made for a few years.