you will be pleasantly surprised with the massive torque it has,So dads pickin up the p41 tomorrow for me guy said it starts runs and cuts. Im stoked i was watching some videos of some with v stacks and foam filters
Congrats on the new saw.I'm sure you will love it,they have lots of grunt for 66 cc's.I love mine it's set up with a v-stack and a K&N filter.So dads pickin up the p41 tomorrow for me guy said it starts runs and cuts. Im stoked i was watching some videos of some with v stacks and foam filters
You will need a husky 288 elbow, and chainsaw conservation corps on ebay has real nice v-stacks. They also have uni filters if you want to use a foam filter, if not you can pic out a K&N off there site under universal filters. For me personally the K&N has proven to be better than the foam filters.Where do you get the v stacks and filters for the p41?
Back on page 526 is a pic of my p-52,and p-41 with v-stack and K&N filters.Word, im gonna look into that
On flebay. Search farmsaw coil and it came up. Works great.What is this aftermarket coil you speak of?
Does anyone know if the p41 has nominal size crank seals or are they proprietary sizes . Got the beast to run but it needs a carb rebiuld luckily its got the hs tillotson im versed in those
What do you recommend skf or national?