Give Rottman Sales a shot. They still have a variety of NOS Pioneer stuff and have been very helpful folks for me in the past.
It depends on the bar!. It may be on the bar but it's best to take it (and the saw) with you when you purchase your first chain. That way you get the correct number of drive links and the proper gauge. I'm 70; I've learned the hard way to write such things down! I recommend you do the same.I got the Farmsaw from Trevor today (XL130).It's a fine looking saw,looks like new.Does anyone know the drive link count for a Farmsaw with a 20 need to get a chain for it.
I hate taking my saw to my local saw shop because he's an overpriced Stihl/Husky dealer.I like dealing with Frawley's in Wi.,I just bought two 22 in.chains there for my Mac saws & I got the chains for $26 ea.My local saw shop wanted $30 + tax for one chain ($32.40).I'll have a look at the bar to see if there are any numbers.I could also put an .050 gauge chain on it to see how many drive links.I know the Pioneer saws used .058 gauge chains.I could also convert it to .050 gauge chain as long as it's the same pitch.It depends on the bar!. It may be on the bar but it's best to take it (and the saw) with you when you purchase your first chain. That way you get the correct number of drive links and the proper gauge. I'm 70; I've learned the hard way to write such things down! I recommend you do the same.
My 20-inch Pioneer 474811 20-058 3/8 J9 takes 70 drive links; the Husqvarna takes 72.
The 24 for both my Pioneer and Husqvarna use 81. I purchased the 24 inch for the Husqvarna explicitly to match my Pioneer.
I’m pretty sure that bar will work with 72 drive links. The chain on that saw has the proper link count, just not the proper gauge. Should be 73 Oregon chain code on the drive link.I got the Farmsaw from Trevor today (XL130).It's a fine looking saw,looks like new.Does anyone know the drive link count for a Farmsaw with a 20 need to get a chain for it.
I've got a Carlton A2 chain here somewhere that's .058 gauge,but can't seem to locate it.I'm going out to the garage shortly to have another look.I’m pretty sure that bar will work with 72 drive links. The chain on that saw has the proper link count, just not the proper gauge. Should be 73 Oregon chain code on the drive link.
I have found that a Homelite D096 bar & chain will work on a P41/Farmsaw although a D176 works well in both Homelite and Pioneer as well. I don’t see much of a difference between the two bars. Possibly the adjustment slot is a bit taller on the D176?
Possibly the other more knowledgeable Pioneer guys & gals here could shed more light on this topic than myself.
My need to know overcame my laziness...A Google search claims if a quarter fits to the bottom of a clean bar groove it is 0.063, a penny is 0.058, and a dime is 0.050.
I didn't remove any chains but anything not wearing a mounted chain is 0.050.
The Pioneer bar is mounted on the Pioneer.
The 359 Husqvarna is wearing a Carlton and sports an 81 drive link chain.
I have one of these on one of my farmsaws and they look good and work well.The other on has an original pioneer bar and the third one has a worn out original. Love these saws and you will too. fxerI ended up putting a D096 bar on & an Oregon 72 chain.I converted it to .050 gaug for noweHere are some pics.
Happens a lot.Learned my lesson on facebook last nite. A woman advertised a scruffy looking p60 northwest of perth on. for 75 bucks. Though it would be good parts for my p60. I messaged her and she said it was available so I told her I would take it and come up tomorrow to pick it up. After 10 minutes she messaged me back and said it was now a bidding war etc.,poor grandfather also how honest she was. I told her she should have posted add as bid on or best offer and doing this was dishonest and more. I left messanger after she posted it as sold. It may have been a scam or she was just devious but members should know kimberly tracey will do this.
Nice find on Saw. l think l have the new Bowl Gaskets if you end up needing one. are you looking for new handle, the one on your saw looks like a 4 digit full wrap. lt looks like it fits pretty good though.Picked up a Pioneer 1750 a couple weeks ago I think it will be a good saw once I get a sediment bowl and the bowl clamp.
If anyone has one, they will part with.
Same part on 700, 750 smaller bowl than 600 series.