Pioneer p51 clutch removal

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ArboristSite Lurker
Oct 14, 2018
Reaction score
Estacada, Oregon
Morning guys,
Wanting to change the rim sprocket on my pioneer p51. The outer nut came off regular right hand thread, but the clutch seems to be really stuck. I've tried turning it clockwise(left hand thread) like most clutches I've worked on, but it's really tight. Is this a reverse thread clutch or regular thread? I'm asking before I use too much force and break something.
Morning guys,
Wanting to change the rim sprocket on my pioneer p51. The outer nut came off regular right hand thread, but the clutch seems to be really stuck. I've tried turning it clockwise(left hand thread) like most clutches I've worked on, but it's really tight. Is this a reverse thread clutch or regular thread? I'm asking before I use too much force and break something.
It’s on splines. Try soaking in penetrating oil, should just slide off
Kinda looks like you have damaged the splines now by trying to turn it off the clutch should just slide off its splines on the crank they can rust and corrode a bit and be tough to get off penetrating oil and heat will be your friend
Zoom into this pic and you can see the splines that the clutch rides on same as your p

Zoom into this pic and you can see the splines that the clutch rides on same as your p51
Thank you so much that's exactly what it was. It sure looked like it needed to thread off, but it slid off with a few taps. Nothing was damaged much to my surprise. Got it changed out and back on. I really appreciate the help!
Thank you so much that's exactly what it was. It sure looked like it needed to thread off, but it slid off with a few taps. Nothing was damaged much to my surprise. Got it changed out and back on. I really appreciate the help!
IMHO it's the best clutch design in the industry, to bad it isn't copied by other saw brands.