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I'm a big fan of tarps. If I can get away with it, I tarp the whole area. In the summer, ya gotta be more careful, you can fry a lawn.
Also a proponent of raking into small circles, then dragging a small tarp around to get them. I use a light hand, ever so careful about getting gravel into the mix.
Almost always, I have a tarp laid out in front of the chipper as the lawn will otherwise take a beating here. Wooden chopsticks are a cheap and effective means of pinning down the corners. If on a driveway or street, no tarp beneath the infeed.
I have a small log arch I seem to be using more and more. Ideally I move out a limb as big as is humanly possible. I can move something out that would otherwise take 4 men, or you'd have to process it remotely where it lays and do the multi-trip conventional method.
I'm a major fan of the backpack blower, the biggest one you can get. If the material is lighter, I might blow into three zones where raking I would have done 6 or 8. I've gotten good at bending down to pick up a non-blowable stick without breaking stride on the blowing.
I'm working solo these days, so efficiency in the cleanup is always a make or break on the day. Without a good strategy, approach and execution on the cleanup. As Treevet says, Leave them with a shoddy, incomplete cleanup, that's what they are left with, and this is the impression you permanently give them. The pruning is secondary when they're having to decide whether to cleanup after you, or see if their lawn service will clean up after you.
bammm! right on the money