Porting a 066BB

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I'm confused, I guess it happens a lot.
Joat knowingly spent money on a saw knowingly it was junk, and therefore was a setup? there's more to it than that, but yeahAnother member knowingly bought a saw, knowingly that it wouldn't keep up with a stock saw, and it was a set up? TOTAL BS, I ran that saw before it was shippedI could go on, but NEITHER of these people had any reasons to be upset or complain because the seller has a sponsorship?
Am I missing something?
Then we start a thread calling another member out trying to prove how much better the work is.
Yeah, I know, I'm trashing the thread, complain to the mods, as I'm sure will happen, and I certainly welcome the name calling to come.
I've done port work, I've posted pics of what worked, what didn't and why, don't give me that crap that no one discloses work. I can link you with several threads of port work done that can educate anyone.
But I'm disgusted this is what we get. If I get a sponsorship do I get to pick and choose who posts and what they say in my threads? If I get a sponsorship am I no longer accountable for my actions and I can sell and do as I wish regardless of who loses money as long as it isn't me?
I've tried to help you Brad, I've offered plenty of advice, as have others, you choose to ignore it. You are smarter than all of us. Yes, I am a detractor, not because I want to be, but you leave myself and many others no choice. You are fallible, you can belittle, badmouth and call myself as many names as you want. But this isn't right any more.

were both situations not resolved?
i'd rather be called a troll by the likes of you,than be called a self serving POS,who throws 2 year old tantrums when things dont go your way. now you are BLOWING about all the $$$ you make. seems to me if you would take some of your own advice,as well as some that others(not me) have tried repeatedly to give you here YOU would change. you are the poorist excuse for a sunday christian i have ever known. ok,now you can neg. rep me again,and tell me how jealous i am of you. you have it right,we would all love to be you. you are nothing more than a smartmouth,hide behind your bible and sponsership,know-it-all,punk.
After a long drawn out fight, Joats was taken care of.
The other was, after another builder stepped in and fixed it. Even after this, the owner was reluctant, at best, to speak up.
Soooo Brad...

Are we going to see that 066 in some wood tomorrow?

Thanks again for sharing your work with us!

Probably would want to start a new thread......this one has gotten a bit thick!
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After a long drawn out fight, Joats was taken care of.
The other was, after another builder stepped in and fixed it. Even after this, the owner was reluctant, at best, to speak up.

That 066 is still running strong to this day. Nuf said. I never had a chance to do anything with the 681. It's the owners prerogative to have who he wants do the work. I offered to make it right.
hold on, you're calling someone out for having tantrums? Were you not the one that called us all "homo's" just a year or two back?

yep sure did,was attacked and acted as such....and also admitted to it being the wrong thing to do. yep 2 years back,once,..........and not on a daily basis. i'm just glad the OCSM has shown up,your leader needs you,all 3 of you......
are you kidding,NOTHING here makes me angry,this is fun,i love this place.......what here could possibly make an ADULT angry,it is all just good fun!
definately lots of issues here,but being gay is not one of them.........i am lesbian all the way.....
You did Brad, and for that I give you credit, and for the other I've no idea, so I can't say.
But why? Neither of these situations should have happened! I've tore into many more saws than I'm certain you are aware of. But I notice things, I've worked on equipment my entire life, there are things you just can't miss!
I had a Kawasaki motor, 14hp, on a JD mower, came in knocking. I tore it down, rebuilt it, per the JD manual. It left and came back knocking. I tore it down and rebuilt it again. Still knocked. Tore it down again, blueprinted the entire engine, miked out everything, it was all in spec! Still knocked! Had my supervisor and the owner come over, manuals and mikes on the bench, we all went through that engine part by part, everything was in spec. Three people used the mikes and got the same reading. We all agreed it was in spec. Not on the minimal anywhere, in the middle of spec. The owner, just dismayed, "Andy, put the damn thing together and if it blows up I'll buy them a new motor!"
I'm still haunted by that motor Brad, twelve years later, I'm pissed as hell I can't and couldn't figure out what was wrong with it!
I get the feeling you won't ever feel like that.
big kawasaki singles had a knock to them from day one,good motors,just noisy. i assume it was 100/200 series 160,165,180,185,240,245,260,265????
have had several apart,never could find anything. some of them sound pretty rough at idle. there is a ton of them out there with big hours on them,still running good