Porting a 066BB

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I've rebuilt hundreds of the Kawi's, lots of hours, hone and re-ring them. No need to bore as they are still in spec. I still think it was in the counter balance system, a bushing or something. But that beast was bad! I was waiting for a rod to come out any min. on that thing!
But it still haunts me to this day I couldn't figure it out!
That 066 is still running strong to this day. Nuf said. I never had a chance to do anything with the 681. It's the owners prerogative to have who he wants do the work. I offered to make it right.

After all this talk on my saw AGAIN Ill go start it up to make sure it still runs goods with .58 fins missing...

...Yup still runs good im worried about it though...

... NOT I run the piss out of it!!!
Unfortunately, it's all too common. It's been my main complaint for a long time now.

You must not have been around very long, young one. I posted just like I do now long before I was a sponsor. Not just a hobby? Hurting me in the pocket book? Now that's funny. Let's just say, I won't trade you incomes. If I were doing this only for the money, I'd have been gone a long time ago. Putting up with crap such as yours just isn't worth it. I'm still here because I love doing what I'm doing and sharing it with most of the population here. You've turned from being a respectable individual, to just another falsely surmising troll. Perhaps you should do a little retrospection, as I have tried to lately, and I don't think you'll find what in the mirror too becoming. The same could be said for a number of you.

Retrospection...that must be the step between half-assed, forced apologies, and pretending nothing ever happened until the next outburst.

I don't honestly care why you're here Brad. As has been pointed out to you a number of times on a number of separate occasions, the measure of a man is how he deals with his mistakes. It sounds like you'd have a shot at affording the micrometer it would take to size you up. I certainly can't.

You'll understand if I don't lose any sleep over having lost your respect.
Wait , what was this thread about? Hmmm, can't remember, but I think i need to go take a whiz and get something to eat!:popcorn:
I have never personally spoken with Brad nor bought any one of his saws. However, if everyone would act independently and only gripe about stuff that directly affected them, this place would be a lot less polluted with garbage. Everyone on AS is welcome to be a sponsor and directly compete with the builder in question to publicly display their own merits, skill and integrity. This continual cycle of trying to take down the current "Top Builder" on the site has been happening every since I've been a member.
wtf good is a pic you moron?!?! I wanna see extra sauce on a half dozen of them!!
McDoubles with big mac sauce are cheaper! :) But sometimes they make you pay for the sauce

I have never personally spoken with Brad nor bought any one of his saws. However, if everyone would act independently and only gripe about stuff that directly affected them, this place would be a lot less polluted with garbage. Everyone on AS is welcome to be a sponsor and directly compete with the builder in question to publicly display their own merits, skill and integrity. This continual cycle of trying to take down the current "Top Builder" on the site has been happening every since I've been a member.
Absolutely! :agree2:
and :agree2: with ManyHobies.

Brad ports saws for the woods, not race winners. I dont see why you guys can not differentiate between the 2, and not get all twisted up everytime Brad shows some pictures. He comes on here to help people a lot of the time that are trying to do a DIY woods port. The rest of you just get on here to bad mouth him? I just dont get it.
Hey Brad, I don't post much but I read just about everything that you post on this site. I have watched every one of your Youtube videos at least 3 times and I enjoy all your build threads. I sure have learned a lot in my short time here on AS, but it sure is a pain in the a$$ to weed through all the bull$hit post in these threads. Come on guys have some respect, if you don't have a legitimate question or something helpful to post just move on.
I've been quiet long enough!!!!!!!!!:love-over:

History doesn't repeat itself, but it rimes!!!!

This has happened before and it will happen again. Those of you whom question others must remember where one came from. Those who do not will cease to be.

It's easy to question others, but not oneself. This goes out to all, but particularity the new trolls, you know who you are.

Sorry buy I must say it, how it is!!!!!!!!!
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I have never personally spoken with Brad nor bought any one of his saws. However, if everyone would act independently and only gripe about stuff that directly affected them, this place would be a lot less polluted with garbage. Everyone on AS is welcome to be a sponsor and directly compete with the builder in question to publicly display their own merits, skill and integrity. This continual cycle of trying to take down the current "Top Builder" on the site has been happening every since I've been a member.

Exactly, kinda reminiscent of Hell's Kitchen days Ehhhh????
I have never personally spoken with Brad nor bought any one of his saws. However, if everyone would act independently and only gripe about stuff that directly affected them, this place would be a lot less polluted with garbage. Everyone on AS is welcome to be a sponsor and directly compete with the builder in question to publicly display their own merits, skill and integrity. This continual cycle of trying to take down the current "Top Builder" on the site has been happening every since I've been a member.

Exactly, kinda reminiscent of Hell's Kitchen days Ehhhh????

It's been happening here since day 1. The chest beating over who can make the fastest chain, build the strongest saw, or make the shiniest parts is a big part of the history of this place.

There's a lot of people here who's posts I earnestly look forward to and have an interest in what they're going to say. They remain positive and helpful, funny, and keep things going in the right direction.

There's also a group of people here's who's posts I've lost all interest in. They continually put others down, remain negative and narrow-minded, and argue for the sake of arguing.
I lost track of where the original thread went. I would love to see the example of the redesigned welded cast cylinder someone spoke of-wow!
Anyway thanks Brad for the time and effort of the real info posted and try to have fun with this saw.
I agree that the fight should be kept in the last thread you started. This crap is getting out of hand. I enjoy reading these build threads no matter who starts them and think they should stay where they are.

I can see it will probably get dirtied up with BS posts now so yea, moderation is needed here.

I agree with you. This has to stop... If you don't like the guy don't look at his threads or posts... I am an administrator on a hunting and shooting site and we as moderators wouldn't put with this junk. I would have fun deleting and banning... Can we get back to chainsaws now...
I agree with you. This has to stop... If you don't like the guy don't look at his threads or posts... I am an administrator on a hunting and shooting site and we as moderators wouldn't put with this junk. I would have fun deleting and banning... Can we get back to chainsaws now...

LOLOL!!!! thats what I'm thinkin!!!!
Yes, I just deleted most of my posts in this thread. Evidentally the crap that's posted in this thread is more valuable than the info I've tried to share here. I'm tired of it. I thought about posting it all in a fresh thread, but it would probably be trolled just like this one was.
Yes, I just deleted most of my posts in this thread. Evidentally the crap that's posted in this thread is more valuable than the info I've tried to share here. I'm tired of it. I thought about posting it all in a fresh thread, but it would probably be trolled just like this one was.

Can I get a link to the new thread?