*Politically Incorrect*
Pretty much self explanitory....
My ancestors on both sides came from Poland and those guys even scare me. I'll have bad dreams tonight. Like I can see some big first aid kits being needed in a few of the locations.
My Blacksmithing Grandpa from Poland welded a wedge on a steel-wheel (from a no longer field worthy tractor) for a Farmer originally from Germany,,,,,
pity there weren't vid cameras around when those stickler ones were in use on the back wheel of a car/truck when the log knocked it off the jack.
well this dont look bad... except it looks like a major fire hazard....
That is our firewood saw, how is it going to start on fire? I blow it out with a large tow behind air compressor every 30-40 hours of run time.
Well bad news on my Unicorn screw splitter tryout today. Someone broke the roll pin inside the shaft on the adjustable part of the pto shaft. No time to play with it today because I had to split some wood for a friend. I grinded off the broken roll pin but still can't get it to slide out. Gonna be a rainy day job.