Having been hospitalized for lyme disease when 12 yrs old, I have some experience!
Watch for the rash associated w/ their bite...red, 2+" in diameter and somewhat sore. There will often be a whitehead looking spot in the center. That is your 1st sign. Go to the hospital immediately. If the tick is still present remove and bring it along for the ride - They want to see it.
If you experience abnormal joint pain, monitor and consider the chance of lyme. I had knee pain. I would sit down (5th grade) and after a 45 min class was done, I would get up to walk to the bathroom and fall over from the pain. No swelling, no pain while sitting.
I was diagnosed w/ rheumatic fever, blastomitosis and maybe lyme. At that time they did not know much about it. In the tank for 2.5 weeks and still weren't sure.
If left untreated - Rheumatoid arthritis, mod to severe memory loss and death can occur. Make sure doc takes aggressive action - I worked w/ a fella who had a insurance sucking doc and he pittled around too long. If he was having this conversation w/ you he would not remember it 5 mins from now. That is perm anent.
just some thoughts for you guys...deer ticks are the size of a period while wood ticks are larger fyi