Damn heat goes straight on up
Heating related:
In my old house the 2nd floor landing had molding placed perfect to blank it off with thick sheets of foam. We were pre-children and the upstairs was just storage.
Absent minded rambling and reminiscence:
It was a late 1800's "shotgun" or "row house" w/ camelback 2nd floor. Every spare penny went into fixing it up. Almost 10 yrs and 2-kids later we flipped it and move to another/better neighborhood. She was an old cold bee-auch(the house). Much insulation, brick work and rebuild, not sure how I did it but I did. I rebuilt back-to-back chimneys lining them and equipping the once open system w/ dampers. They sat 45* in the corners of adjacent rooms w/ exposed brick and made inside like Russian stoves having zig-zag flues absorbing every BTU of heat. Cast iron mantles stripped and repainted w/ high temp. We stayed warm at least 1- winter with little more than scrap pallets. My neighbor was a retired brick mason who was glad to give me pointers and even helped on a few small early projects. I owe him for letting me pick his brain and giving a "bump" when necessary. I'm probably the only electrician in the area that has a set of mahogany levels and brick tongs.