Great post Gary.......this site is home to me so I try hard to keep the overall attitude a positive one. The level of cooperation and info sharing started really ramping up around here during the 460 and 066 build offs. Just before the 460 build Brad shared with me and Wiggs something he found out on the 460......if not for his sharing I would never have stood a chance in that build. Then in the 066 build Wiggs spilled the beans on some carb mods he had done.....
I've shared timing numbers and little tricks with everyone here because that's how I learned. These days if you get a saw built by Will, Brad, Jeremy, Terry, Stumpy, Scott, Jasha, etc you will get a strong runner because we all are friends that share our findings. Of course we will at times disagree but even in our disagreement we learn something.
Again Stumpy, that saw looks strong and your work is very clean.....thanks for sharing my friend.
I'm proud to call all of you guys my friends!