Project Stumpbroke 562xp

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Great post Gary.......this site is home to me so I try hard to keep the overall attitude a positive one. The level of cooperation and info sharing started really ramping up around here during the 460 and 066 build offs. Just before the 460 build Brad shared with me and Wiggs something he found out on the 460......if not for his sharing I would never have stood a chance in that build. Then in the 066 build Wiggs spilled the beans on some carb mods he had done.....

I've shared timing numbers and little tricks with everyone here because that's how I learned. These days if you get a saw built by Will, Brad, Jeremy, Terry, Stumpy, Scott, Jasha, etc you will get a strong runner because we all are friends that share our findings. Of course we will at times disagree but even in our disagreement we learn something.

Again Stumpy, that saw looks strong and your work is very clean.....thanks for sharing my friend.

I'm proud to call all of you guys my friends!:clap:
I am not smart enough to put the last three post on this post as guote but this is the reason this site in most instances is a family of like minded ( in most instances) people and the reason the benifit's are so successful. I am Proud to be amember here!!! I am also proud to call all of you freinds even though I have only meet few of you.
Its possible, just need to find a computer/chainsaw dork.....that has to be a rare breed?!

Hi :biggrin:

Though, you probably want more of an EE/chainsaw dork, really.

Anyone have pictures of the electronics? I'd like to know what micro they're using, for a start.
Although 77.3mb is a large file your upload speed is the problem. Your download is around 650kbps (so about 12 times faster dial up) but your upload is running around dial-up speed (50kbps). You could download handbrake and reduce the quality of the video, convert it to an AVI and likely get the size greatly reduced for future uploads. It's still going to take a while with those upload speeds. The ping is also bad but expected on satellite. It's not good for videogaming but not going to harm anything for uploading/downloading to youtube. Do you have 3G/4G cellular service in your area that you could get in your house? If so, it's likely faster. I'll see if I can find a decent size .mov from a kodak easy share and see if I can provide you a decent set of options for handbrake if you want.

Upload could be due to a number of things if equipment related. The BUC at the LNB (bit out front of the sat dish) is the larger of the two boxes (responsible for upload), may need a cross pol adjustment, faulty, faulty cabling, fittings, modem, even a poor/loose fitting at the wall plate/modem etc.

Notify the service provider of the readings.
Excellent work Stump. It's been a pleasure reading this thread start to finish.
The comradery between the top saw-builders on this site is nice to see.
nope didnt do anything more to it becouse the cylinder was screwed up before the gtg and i had to grind the damage out of it just to be able to use it. the ring locating pin came out of the oem piston,needlees to say it wasnt the numbers id planned on using. i just wanted a saw in the mix. i got ahold of another cylinder and put my numbers back into it and whatya know, its back to the way it was before it blew up.ill be in ky at wiggs gtg with it so just bring yours along with ya and we'll have us a rematch. yes my saw had filter and choke in it for the build. my 562 is also the same as it was at the build off,it just has a few more scratches from workin with it. i just want to see where my saw would have stood if it hadnt of ate a piston before the build.

I'd love to rum em again buddy. one round don't really prove a whole lot. The only thing I'd like to see different is run them both with the same chain for a direct comparison of the powerheads. Not sure if I'll make it to Wigg's this go round, don't remember when it is. I'll say this Terry, I don't have much of a competitive streak in me, but you bring it out. I like it, makes me push harder. The same goes for the rest of the saw hacks on here. the competitiveness we have is good, it eventually brings out the best in all of us "woodticks"

May i be included in the REMATCH, you know just for FUN. Stumpy ,your saws a very good runner...I would try other improvement on another cylinder and another chain. The combo at Terrys GTG ran well. Later JOdy:msp_biggrin:
Not trying to ruin the SB562 thread.....
You bet Jody, brig it on!! I really regret not making it to Terry's & haveing the opportunity to visit with fellers like you & yer brother. Matt (Hedgrow) has passed along all of your complements on my saw & I would like to say thanks.
I have another 48mm cyl I might play with since nobody really wants them anyways. I touched that chain up & use it for playin around. I got alot to learn on them chains.

Damn fine job on the 562 Stumpy. They are one of my favorite saws to mod. :rock:

THanks Buddy. Glad you liked it. They do grow on ya don't they.


A little to much :in-love: going on in here.

Let's just all get in a big pile & start lovin on each other. You know you want in on it.

Where's that barfing smiley???
I got a sunburn...
Just sayin...

Had a slight issue with the recoil on the 562 on Saturday when Hedgerow came over to play. I forgot to use the decomp.

It's kinda hard to see in the pic but the spindle tat the pulley mounts on is almost broke off of the housing. It also broke one of the posts off on the pawl on the flywheel.

the pawl on the left, got bent down a lil bit too.

I called the dealer & I should have one by WED and it is covered under warrant.
So theyre not gorilla proof?? Better not let hedgerow use it then!

I'm just glad it happened after Hedge got to run it with the 15" bar in some pine. We were about to out it up against the bigger saws with the 28" when it broke. To see the results of the times we got with the rest of the saws go to my 576 thread. I 'll post the times there.:msp_wink:
I decided to go back into this saw yesterday. I left some on the table in a couple of areas. The piston was profiled to get the strato ports back in time & to improve flow.



I also went a bit wider on the exhaust port.



Now I just gotta wait till tomorrow for the recoil assy to come in so I can see if I ruined it by doing more.:msp_confused: