Tree Feller
J &J Tree Service
You guys don't realize how scared I was to get on here & share my testimony. Even though I knew that's what GOd wants me to do with these silly chainsaws. I was letting my fear get in the way of GOds work. With faith, I "stepped out of the boat onto the water". As long as we keep our eyes on Him we won't see the the fact that He has us doing what we think is impossible.
I've been praying about a "new image", and name for my saws. SOmething that when people see or hear the name they know that God is being glorified in it. The term "Stumpbroke" is gonna be phased out. Beleive me, that's a hard thing to say & give up, but it's gotta be changed. Any ideas on a new Christian name for the saws will be appreciated.
Now for the image, here's what I've got so far.
Well said my friend! I love the image. I think it works great. Great work and keep it up!!