knotless climbing.....
Tree Machine, is a hitch not a type of knot?
I'm very glad you asked. Lest we not forget 'bends' either. Knots, hitches and bends. They're sorta distinct animals, and we could get lengthy in technically defining each (see page 16,
The Complete Book of Knots by Geoffrey Budworth). A knot though, is sort of generic term and can include bends and hitches. Hitches are used to tie a rope to SOMETHING, monofilament line to a fishin hook, rope to a hitching post, slickline on a shotbag ring. If you tie a hook onto monofilament line, no matter how you do it, it's considereed a knot even though, technically it will always be a hitch.
Knots are more of a rope-tied-to-rope thing (surgeon's knot, double fisherman, etc), though, many hitches are rope-on-rope, but if you were to tie the two ends of an identical rope together, it would very likely be a knot (unless you used a cow hitch with a half hitch on a sliding bowline).
I'm not condoning not using knots. I love knots and hitches and
used to use them frequently. But I have eyes spliced into
both ends of every single rope I own, regardless of length - even my accessory lines for tying things down.
This means anything I'm putting on the end of that rope gets chokered by simply going around the limb and clipping the caribiner back to the rope. Or for a bit more security, I go around the limb, 180 around the rope, back up around the limb and clip the rope back to itself - a cow hitch. Or I'll choker( or even prusik) the item to be lowered
with a web sling and clip IT to the spliced eye. It just makes my rigging more swift. No 'knots' required - TM -